R.Murdoch's NY Post cartoonist has history of racist caricatures
Here is the link to the Delonas cartoon archive: http://www.nypost.com/delonas/delonas.htm
By the way, Rupert Murdoch = NY Post.
Also remember that the Nation of Islam's legal team sued the NY Post back in 1994.
Atty. Malik Z. Shabazz meets w/ Mumia Abu-Jamal
Mumia Abu-Jamal, demonstrates ‘warrior spirit’ says Atty. Shabazz
In this exclusive interview, I spoke with Atty. Malik Zulu Shabazz via cell phone while he was travelling back from Waynesburg, PA after a three-hour meeting with Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Accompanied by NBPP National Minister of Justice Imam Akbar Bilal, Atty. Shabazz brought messages to supporters from the Death Row inmate who has been in prison for the last 27 years.
“Mumia is in remarkably good spirits considering his predicament. He’s hopeful for his legal outcome, but he’s also just in good spirits and very knowledgeable about the condition of our people,” said Atty. Shabazz adding that Abu-Jamal had positive words about Obama’s presidency and that he had followed his campaign closely.
Atty. Shabazz also said Abu-Jamal did not complain about his physical condition.
“He’s about 6’2”; and Mumia is big and strong, and more importantly, he has a warrior spirit,” he added.
In his legal work as head of the Black Lawyers For Justice and as the National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party, Shabazz interacts with political prisoners often. Under his direction, the NBPP has a very active outreach program bringing attention to the plight of our political prisoners.
“I think (people) need to know that America has political prisoners. They’re prisoners of war. And they are reminders that our struggle continues in spite of a Black president, and Mumia wants the people to know that he needs them to help him in the way that he needs them to help him, said Atty. Shabazz. “Mumia has friends all over the world. Many of them have valuable information and research and resources. And he would like the people that support him to help in the way that he designates, instead of trying to do it their own way,” said Atty. Shabazz.
Atty. Shabazz gave the example of a couple of years ago when the human rights organization Amnesty International issued a very detailed report on Mumia’s case and his plight as a political prisoner however, many Black nationalist and socialist organizations refused to use the report in organizing or to cite it because they disagreed with some of the policies and politics of Amnesty International. Organizations should not put their views or politics ahead of solid legal information that could help free Mr. Abu-Jamal, he said.
“A united front of political support. That’s what he wants. Some of the fractions and divisions amongst some of his supporters—those divisions do not help him,”said Atty. Shabazz.
And of course, there was one more message that Mumia wanted to send, “He told me to send greetings and “thank you” to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, for taking time out of his schedule and for visiting him and supporting him. And he says he’ll never forget that and he thanks The Final Call newspaper for publishing his articles.”
(Recordings of audio messages from Mumia Abu-Jamal are available at http://www.prisonradio.org/. You can also get more information regarding the case at http://www.freemumia.org/)
"Securitization as Satan" By Cedric Muhammad
This is one of the reasons why I appreciate the work of my brother, macroeconomist Cedric Muhammad. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing him for an article which appeared in the Feb.24th edition of The Final Call. Portions of that interview not included in the article will appear at a later date.
But, enough of what I think. Please read his article "Securitization as Satan" which deals with the real cause of America's economic downturn. I know, the title of the piece is provocative, but if you regularly visit this blog, then you can handle it. -A
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Right wing hardliners gain Knesset seats in Israeli elections
Days and possibly weeks of political wrangling and deal making lie ahead after Israel’s national elections ended on Feb. 10 with the Right Wing bloc scoring huge gains in The Knesset, Israel’s legislative branch.
With 3.5 million votes cast, the Kadima Party led by Israel’s foreign minister Tzipi Livni won 28 seats and the right-wing Likud Party led by Benjamin Netanyahu—who previously served as Israel’s PM from 1996 to 1999—won 27 seats.
Israel’s parliamentary procedure does not provide a “winner take all” electoral process like the United States of America. After the elections, the Israeli President Shimon Peres will meet with the different factions and then designate a prime minister that he believes has sufficient political strength to bring together a ruling coalition of 61 seats in the Knesset establishing a clear ruling majority.
Palestinian activist and businessman Sam Bahour lives in the occupied West Bank. He and others living in the region believe the large amount of votes in favor of an obviously hawkish Israeli electorate indicates that Israelis have chosen a path leading to continued conflict.
“The issue is not the person sitting in the Prime Minister position as much as it is the ideology that all Israeli candidates were holding, one that clearly reflects Israeli's inability to seriously realize peace. Instead of peace, they all flexed their muscles against Palestinians which reflects a mindset of war and fear, not one of peace and reconciliation,” Mr. Bahour wrote in a reply to an email from The Final Call. “Furthermore, for peace to be realized in Israel a third party is going to have to impose it on them. That 3rd party is the U.S. So, the real question in my view is, is peace possible with Obama?”
Ms. Livni, a former Mossad agent and protégé of Ariel Sharon, scored a narrow victory, but is currently seen as too politically weak to establish a coalition government. She failed to form a coalition government after being elected the leader of her party in September 2008 and her slim victory in this election shows that her candidacy so far has been unable to generate the excitement needed to score a decisive mandate.
Though Ms. Livni and Kadima are described in the media as centrists, all four main political parties in Israel are Right Wing, and Kadima is perhaps the center of the right.
Mr. Netanyahu and the Likud were opposed to the 2005 Israeli pullout from Gaza, under then prime minister Ariel Sharon. Mr. Netanyahu’s conservative platform appeared to resonate with a sizeable portion of the Israeli voters. The Likud Party looks to have enhanced its presence in the Knesset and the Right Wing nationalist bloc appears poised to unite under his leadership.
The militant ultranationalist Avigdor Lieberman of the Yisrael Beiteinu Party (translated, Israel Our Home) has also emerged from the elections in a strengthened position to exert influence in the formation of a coalition government after winning 15 seats. Mr. Lieberman ran a hard line, xenophobic campaign largely questioning the loyalty of Israel’s 1.4 million Arab citizens. Additionally, YB advocates the formation of a purely Jewish state even if it means expatriation of the Arab population whom he has described as forming a dangerous “fifth column.”
Lieberman has already given preliminary signs that he will join with Netanyahu and the Likud Party, of which he used to be a member.
“It’s true that Tzipi Livni won a surprise victory, but what is more important is that the right-wing camp won a clear majority…We want a right-wing government. That’s our wish and we don’t hide it,” Mr. Lieberman told supporters at his campaign headquarters in Jerusalem shortly after election results were announced. “We defined the issues. Loyalty. No loyalty means no citizenship,” said Mr. Lieberman, an immigrant born and raised in the former Soviet Union.
Mr. Bahour believes that Mr. Lieberman’s talk is not just rhetoric.
“He is very dangerous, but even more so now that he wields so much power inside the government. Israeli papers speak of him as ‘racist’ and ‘fascist.’ Coming from Israeli writers, that tells you a lot,” wrote Mr. Bahour.
During the campaign, Mr. Lieberman also reiterated his party’s hard-line stance on negotiations with Hamas saying, “We will not have direct or indirect negotiations with them nor a ceasefire. It doesn't matter which government will be formed. If we will be in this government, the defeat of Hamas will be the foremost objective.”
Current Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, of the Israeli Labor party, considered center-left, finished a weak fourth receiving 12 seats. His party’s poor showing reflects voter displeasure with the execution of Israel’s failed 2006 Lebanon War and the results of the recent 22-day assault on Gaza in which many Israelis questioned the timing and whether the goal was achieved.
Palestinian Human Rights Activist Mazin Qumsiyeh, currently living in Bethlehem also responded to questions submitted via email by The Final Call. He said there is hope for Israel, but only if they shed the old leadership whom he referred to as “ossified Zionists.”
“It can transform itself and become a ‘light unto the nations.’ There are many Israelis who are trying hard to do that. In Beit Sahour we heard from 5 ‘refusenicks,’ young Israelis who refused to go to the military and were jailed. I found myself mesmerized by how intelligent and perceptive these 18-19 year olds were. Perhaps they should be the ones leading Israel instead, of the ossified 65-85 year old racist Zionists,” wrote Mr. Qumsiyeh adding that the Israeli boycotts, divestment and sanctions movement is growing worldwide. “It may be the only way to save Israel from itself,” he said.
Black America and Obama's Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
The cover of this week's edition of The Final Call
Ms. Hughes said she had an “urgent need” because she was unemployed, homeless and her family had been living in a car for the past few months. Pres. Obama said he would help Ms. Hughes, and she immediately received assistance from Florida Rep. Nick Thompson and his wife Chene who offered the family a home to live in rent free for as long as needed.
The situation for Ms. Hughes and her family appears to have been resolved, however, her nationally televised emotional appeal represents the terrible anxiety and tremendous suffering being experienced by many whose faces we have not seen and whose names we do not know.
Beginning in early 2008, and continuing throughout the year, The Final Call consistently reported on the reality of America’s economic downturn and specifically, what it means for Black and Latinos. At a time when the Bush administration would not even admit that the American economy was in a recession, The Final Call asked the provocative question “Is the Worst Yet to Come?”
At that time, America was only witnessing the beginning of increased financial woes. The near collapse of Bear Stearns prompted an emergency bail out by the Federal Reserve and JP Morgan Chase & Co. Allegations of financial irresponsibility swirled around HSBC, Countrywide Financial Corporation and other prominent mortgage lenders. Well known companies such as Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, UBS, Goldman Sachs and others at the very high end of financial wealth management suffered heavy losses, and financial lenders and investors, and analysts were struggling for answers.
Almost a year later, America’s economy has continued its downward spiral. The nation has watched as all of the pillars of the America’s economy fall down. America’s housing market remains in critical condition, the “Big Three” American automakers, Ford, Chrysler and GM are struggling to survive, and even more financial lending institutions are facing insolvency. Companies are shedding workers in record numbers resulting in massive layoffs nationwide.
In the book "A Torchlight for America" the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan wrote: “Most politicians are afraid to tell the full extent of the truth that America has seriously mortgaged her future, and that to reduce the deficit will require a great sacrifice.”
Since taking the Oath of Office on Jan. 20, many credit President Obama with delivering truthful, sobering assessments regarding America’s economic crisis, and what steps need to be taken by the American people to get out of it.
Most recently, Pres. Obama, speaking to employees at a Caterpillar plant in East St. Louis, Illinois on Feb. 12 said, “We’ve got to spend some money now to pull us out of this recession. But as soon as we’re out of this recession, we’ve got to get serious about starting to live within our means, instead of leaving debt for our children and our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren,” said Pres. Obama. “The road ahead is not an easy one. Some of our plans might not always work out exactly the way we’d like. Our recovery will likely be measured in terms of years and not months.”
Pres. Obama was speaking about the recently passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that he signed on Tuesday, February 17th.
His real talk is refreshing after eight years of the Bush administration's obfuscation of facts and outright lies. He has repeatedly called for swift investment in job creation and has discussed assistance for those currently without work, health insurance and in danger of losing their homes.
In this week's edition of The Final Call, we analyze the economic recovery plan, and what it means for Black America.
Malik Zulu Shabazz on NatGeo's New Black Panther Party documentary
The documentary provided and overview of the beginnings of the Black Panthers in the 1960s, its fall and subsequent rebirth as the New Black Panther Party brought to prominence by the late Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad.
The group is now led by Atty. Malik Zulu Shabazz and evidently their increasingly visible scope of activity and presence has caught the attention of the media.
As is usually the case, the media often portrays a caricature of the Black Liberation Movement, and in my view, the NatGeo documentary lacked a comprehensive treatment of the ideological underpinnings of the movement which includes a firm scriptural and prophetic base extending far beyond simply sloganeering and the so-called “Hate-Whitey” rhetoric which is often over-emphasized.
Here are brief excerpts from an exclusive interview I conducted with Atty. Shabazz. This portion deals specifically with the documentary’s portrayal of the New Black Panther Party.
>>beginning of excerpt<<
Ashahed M. Muhammad (AMM) How did you feel about the portrayal of the New Black Panther Party on the recently aired NatGeo—National Geographic—documentary? Was it a fair and accurate portrayal?
Malik Zulu Shabazz (MZS) I did not like the way the National Geographic special portrayed the New Black Panther Party, but I also remember “The Hate That Hate Produced,”[1] and how that attempted to portray the Nation of Islam; and how it attempted to divide the Nation of Islam from the Civil Rights struggle, that pit one against the other. Ultimately, through the Divine Wisdom of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Nation of Islam took what was a “knock” and made it into a “boost” for the Nation of Islam and the Black Movement.
I was disappointed in the way National Geographic chose to portray us. However, to be self-critical once again, Brother Ashahed, being self-critical, I have trained the leadership and chairpersons of the New Black Panther Party on how to represent and portray our organization in a better light to Black (and) African people, so that we don’t play into the hands of the enemy. We play into the Hands of God, and the ancestors and their plan for our organization.
AMM: I see.
MZS: To be honest, the New Black Panther Party is strong and is growing; and as strong as it is, it is under reform right now and I’m taking specific measures to teach, to train and to guide and to organize the great innovators that we have so that they may be stronger, more well-studied, more effective and better servants of the people. And so we’re planning—and so in doing, we’re planning on taking the “knocks” of the National Geographic special and turning it into a divine boost for the New Black Panther Party. As we look inward to be self-critical and to correct ourselves as we grow stronger in the future.
More of this interview will soon be made available in a variety of formats. We discussed his 3-hour meeting with Death Row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal as well as the legal challenges faced by the NBPP regarding charges of alleged voter intimidation brought by the U.S. Department of Justice.
Cynthia McKinney to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to attend forum on Palestine
Hello, I’m so sorry to fill your box with so many messages lately, but a lot is happening. I am on a long layover in Seoul, Korea on my way to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Many of you will recall that I was there with former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at the founding of his Kuala Lumpur Tribunal to Criminalize War in its effort to bring Bush et al to justice.
Unfortunately, Israel’s ongoing actions in Gaza have caused Dr. Mahathir to call another meeting, a “Forum for Palestine,” at the Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel on February 5, 2009 at which he will deliver a major address.
I have been invited to tell of my experience aboard the Dignity pleasure boat carrying 3 tons of medical supplies for the people of Gaza that was rammed by the Israeli Navy in the international waters of the Mediterranean Sea.
I have received several requests for information about “Dignity: A Movement for Peace and Justice,” the t-shirt I’ve been wearing lately and my comments about the people’s need for a lobby for peace and justice since our elected representatives in Congress, who are supposed to be our lobby, consistently fail to represent our values. I am working feverishly, when I am not on travel, to organize our Dignity movement effort appropriately. I will tell you more about our Dignity movement as the planning progresses.
Here is the information on the Forum for Palestine:
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Cynthia McKinney, U.S. Presidential Candidate and Former Congresswoman
Professor Michel Chossudovsky
Matthias Chang
Professor Gurdial Singh Nijar
Professor Salleh Buang
Call For Enquiries – 019-384 3913, 012-227 0159
Date & Time: February 5th 2009 (Thursday) – 9A TO 5P
Registration Fee: RM50.00 (USD $13.80) Payable at Venue Entrance