
An Analysis of The Green Book by Muammar al-Gadhafi

Libyan Leader Muammar Al-Gadhafi addresses the United Nations General Assembly in New York (UN Photo: Marco Castro)

An Analysis of Muammar al-Gadhafi's Green Book

By Ashahed M. Muhammad

The two-day Arab League summit has just ended in Sirte, Libya where a litany of major issues challenging the Arab world were discussed. Often critical of Arab leaders, Muammar al-Gadhafi has never wavered in his call for Pan-Arab unity. Additionally, his term as chairman of the African Union also recently ended. (Consistent with the policy of the AU, the term of the rotating chairmanship is limited to one-year.)

Perhaps no other current leader has been so identified with the move towards a United States of Africa than he. Though considered by some to be odd and unpredictable, in this area, he has shown remarkable consistency.

He called for an emergency African Summit of the Organization of African Unity in September of 1999, which led to the formation of the organization of the continental body called the African Union in Durban, South Africa in 2002. Many African leaders have been slow to move and many Western powers considered it unrealistic.

Gadhafi’s consistency and determination has actually reignited the movement towards the formation of a United States of Africa that would make Africa richer, stronger, and more peaceful. Despite his perceived eccentricities, and incessant demonization in the controlled media, “The Great Brother Leader of the Revolution” as he is called by his people, has remained a force on the global stage.

Because of the deliberately dishonest and even vile portrayals of the leader in the controlled media, not much is known regarding Gadhafi’s political thoughts and his guiding ideology. He is described in the media as a dictator, yet in “The Green Book”, Gadhafi outlines the actual governing foundation that undergirds the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. That foundation is The Third Universal Theory—which upon critical analysis—puts many so-called Western Democracies and Republics to shame.

“The Green Book” is broken up into three parts:

Part One: Solution to the Problem of Democracy

Part Two: The Solution to the Economic Problem

Part Three: The Social Basis of the Third Universal Theory

Gadhafi says political decisions in which one candidate is granted victory, simply because they obtained the highest percentage of the vote by the electorate effectively “establishes a dictatorship in the seat of power garbed in the guise of democracy.” Especially when three or four losing candidates, whose votes combined would equal a higher total than the perceived winning candidate, split the vote.

He then takes on the parliamentary governmental structure. The mere existence of such, Gadhafi says, “underlies the absence of the people, for democracy can only exist with the presence of the people, and not in the presence of representatives of the people. Parliaments have become a legal barrier between people and their right to exercise authority. They exclude the masses in order to prevent them from practicing politics, and monopolize the control of politics in their name.”

Proportional representation by political parties and coalitions, such as what exists in Israel and the United States, Gadhafi says, is “rubbish” which only delivers power to the elites of society, and not the masses.

“Under such systems, the people are prey fought over by the predators: instruments of government compete in their power struggle for the votes of the people they in turn neglect and exploit.”

He is also critical of politicians whose “mud-slinging tactics to discredit one another.”

“In order to rule, the opposition party must defeat the existing instrument of government. To do so, the opposition must undermine the government’s achievements and cast doubt on its plans, even if these plans were beneficial to society, to prove the incompetence of the current governing instrument. Consequently, the interests and programs of society become victims of the power struggle raging among the political parties.”

Watching partisan bickering occurring between the Democrats and Republicans in the American political system, it is hard to argue with his analysis. He also rightly notes that political parties can be bribed or corrupted by external and internal interests.

His solution is direct democracy through the establishment of “People’s Conferences” in which all society members participate in shaping policy. The masses select their administrative leaders who then represent the direct will of the people and are answerable directly to the people.

In Part II of “The Green Book”, he deals with economics, maintaining that, whether a worker received earnings from an individual business owner, or the state, “wage earners are but slaves to the masters who hire them,” Gadhafi writes. “To claim that income from a state-controlled establishment is re-injected into society and thus benefits the workers, as opposed to income from a privately-owned establishment which benefits solely the owner, is a true statement only if the general welfare of the society and private well-being of the workers is taken into account.”

In this way, Gadhafi appears to take on communism while simultaneously redefining socialism. Gadhafi’s solution is to abolish the wage system, which in his view, would “emancipate the human being.” A reversion to the natural law and relationship between workers and employers before stratification based on social class and status became widespread is recommended.

“The exploitation of man by man and the possession by some individuals of wealth exceeding personal needs are manifestations of departure from the natural rule. This signals the beginning of corruption and distortion in the life of the human community and is the beginning of the emergence of the exploitative society.”

In Gadhafi’s world, related to housing, everyone would have adequate housing for themselves and their families and it should be their own, and not the property of another. “A person living in another person’s house in return for rent, or even without rent, is not a free person.” Relating to income, “there are no wage earners, only partners.” Relating to vehicles, Gadhafi calls it an “essential need for the individual and the family” and “no person or party may own private means of transportation for the purposes of renting to others, because this represents controlling the needs of others.”

Likewise, land is no one’s private property. “Everyone has the right to exploit it for farming or grazing for the duration of his or her life and the lives of their heirs.”

Some Black people may be offended in a portion of the book in which Gadhafi writes: “The Black race is at present is in a dire and backward social condition. This backwardness is working in the interest of numeric superiority of this race” resulting from the lack of birth control usage and children born out of wedlock.

This he writes, is going on while other races are “diminishing in number” for a variety of reasons that we all are aware of. To be offended by the fact that one forthrightly states the Blacks masses are in the worst shape economically, socially and politically as well as suffering all manner of health-related problems, indicates that one has bought into the “post-racial” society proffered by many Black and White liberals, as well as White apologists that represent the wishes of their White masters. Besides, in the section preceding the word written above, he writes of the tragedy of slavery and his prognostication is that, “Now it is the turn of the black race to re-emerge. Black people will prevail in the world,” he writes.

If there is one recurring theme throughout “The Green Book” it is his emphasis on liberation.

The conclusion of “The Green Book” brings to a close his explanation of the Third Universal Theory which, Gadhafi says, is “a harbinger of the final deliverance of the masses from all the constraints of injustices, tyranny, exploitation, and political and economic subordination. It also heralds the advent of all people’s society in which all individuals are free and equal in authority, wealth and arms.”

“The example of the new socialist society is to establish a happy society deriving its happiness from being free. Such a society is realized only through the fulfillment of the individual’s spiritual and material needs, and this can be achieved by liberating these needs from the control and manipulation of others. Satisfaction of needs should be realized without exploitation or enslavement of others.”

Love him or hate him, agree or disagree, historians will not be able to deny his impact on world affairs and revolutionary movements. Muammar Gadhafi’s legacy will be an admirable one. He will be remembered as a theoretician, and a revolutionary always willing to provide inspiration, monetary and military resources—to aid those fighting for self-determination. That is an honorable legacy to leave behind, and more are needed like him in Africa, and in the Arab world.


Israel's Netanyahu defiant in the face of American, world criticism (FinalCall.com)

Israel's Netanyahu defiant in the face of American, world criticism

by Ashahed M. Muhammad

Assistant Editor

Israel's hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a defiant speech during his appearance on March 22 at the 2010 Annual Policy Conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington, D.C.

“The connection between Jerusalem and the Jewish people cannot be denied. The Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3,000 years ago and the Jewish people are building Jerusalem today,” said Netanyahu. “Jerusalem is not a settlement. It is our capital.”

His comments were in response to criticism of Israel after officials announced on March 9, the construction of 1,600 homes in East Jerusalem, the same location Palestinians have claimed as their capital. To make matters worse, the announcement occurred during U.S. Vice-President Joseph Biden's visit to the region. Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli government officials dismissed it as an unintentional administrative error. A top aide to Pres. Obama, David Axelrod called it an “insult” and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke harsh words saying that it undermined U.S. efforts to bring peace to the region. Tensions have remained high, despite public denials of a rift by both governments.

She reiterated her concerns at her speech before AIPAC delegates also on Mar. 22, preceding Mr. Netanyahu's speech.

“New construction in East Jerusalem or the West Bank undermines that mutual trust and endangers the proximity talks that are the first step toward the full negotiations that both sides say (they) want and need. And it exposes daylight between Israel and the United States that others in the region hope to exploit. It undermines America's unique ability to play a role--an essential role--in the peace process. Our credibility in this process depends in part on our willingness to praise both sides when they are courageous, and when we don't agree, to say so, and say so unequivocally,” said Secretary Clinton.

During his speech, Mr. Netanyahu said Israel is not above criticism, but should be judged by the same standard as other democracies.

“Israel must always reserve the right to defend itself,” said Netanyahu vowing to never compromise on Israel's security. He then raised the Iranian specter. “A radical Iranian regime armed with nuclear weapons could bring an end to the era of nuclear peace the world has enjoyed for the last 65 years. Such a regime could provide nuclear weapons to terrorists--it might even be tempted to use them. Our world would never be the same.”

Ironically, Israel is the only nuclear power in the Middle East and the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, thus rejecting the right of international inspectors to review their nuclear facilities. According to analysts, Iran has not developed a nuclear weapon, and has insisted on their right as a sovereign nation to experiment with nuclear power options.

Author and frequent commentator on the Palestine-Israeli conflict, Ali Abunimah says there is a “palpable shift” in the way Israel is being viewed by the community of nations, and said there are a number of reasons for what seems to be an increase in critical voices speaking out against them.

“First, Israel's actions have in many ways reached unprecedented levels of violence, open declared criminality, racism and apartheid. More people are opening their eyes to this,” said Mr. Abunimah. “Second, the Internet and the thriving of independent media means it is no longer possible for Israel and its supporters to so easily control the narrative. There's too much information available to too many people now for Israel to be able to wear a mask as a liberal, peace-loving and enlightened state. Finally, I think that Israel is stuck in a dead-end discourse. Have you noticed that much pro-Israel discourse in the United States comes from the most extreme right-wing and racist elements? It is deeply Islamophobic and racist. Israel's base in this country is increasingly the Christian Zionist far right, which is often xenophobic and racist. The U.S. mainstream is increasingly less willing to defend Israel publicly. That trend is likely to continue. Israel will always have supporters in the U.S., but it will move increasingly to the fringe.”

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter called U.S. mediation plans a “feeble effort” towards lasting peace in the region, and said the Obama administration should take a more balanced position in the matter.

A letter to Pres. Obama, led by Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), was also critical, but for different reasons. Their letter urged Obama to “publicly express the United States' unwavering support for Israel.” The letter also said Israeli Ambassador Michal Oren said U.S.- Israeli relations “are now at a 35-year low.”

Mr. Abunimah, author of "One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse” said while he is unable to say whether Israel is being deliberately provocative with their harsh rhetoric and actions and then claim that they have no partners for peace, the result is often the same.

“It is hard to say if that is the intended result, but it is sufficient to say that Israel knows that its provocations have produced such violence in the past, and it seems that Israel either does not care about the fires it starts or is indeed an arsonist,” said Mr. Abunimah.



Discussing The Black Agenda and Obama's presidency (FinalCall.com)

(Photo Courtesy of The White House)

Discussing The Black Agenda and Obama's presidency

Chicago (FinalCall.com)-
On Saturday, March 20, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan participated in Tavis Smiley's symposium titled, "We Count: The Black Agenda is the American Agenda," at the Jones Convocation Center on the campus of Chicago State University.

Braving snow and cold temperatures on what was supposed to be the first day of spring, thousands came out to hear some of Black America's best minds discuss the Presidency of Barack Obama and the need for the Black community to take responsibility for solving the problems that plague our communities. The event was originally scheduled to appear live on C-SPAN however, because of the critical vote and debate on health care, it was pre-empted.

According to Mr. Smiley, C-SPAN has informed him that the symposium is scheduled to air during primetime, on Monday March 29th at 8:30 p.m. EDT/ 7:30 p.m. CDT. The webcast replay is currently available @ FinalCall.com/BlackAgenda.

Additionally, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan will appear on the Cliff Kelly Show on WVON 1690AM in Chicago on Wednesday March 24 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. CDT. WVON streams live on the web at http://www.wvon.com.

See coverage of both in next week's edition of The Final Call!


Interview w/ Dr. Cornel West at Tavis Smiley's "We Count" forum on 03.20.10

Interviewing Dr. Cornel West in the Green Room just minutes prior to the start of Tavis Smiley's "We Count" symposium on March 10, 2010 on the campus of Chicago State University. (Photo: Timothy 6X)


    Ashahed M. Muhammad: Dr. West I want to get some comments from you today here at "We Count" real quick on today Dr. West. First of all are you feeling and how do you feel about what is going to happen today?

    Dr. Cornel West: Well, I’m blessed; I’m blessed to be here. Anytime you come together and we are reflecting on how we engage the plight of poor people, working people and especially poor precious Black people. You can’t help to be fired up. We have Minister Louis Farrakhan, in the place, you have Brother Jesse Jackson, Sister Dorothy Tillman and others, it's a beautiful thing.

    Ashahed M. Muhammad: What are your thoughts on the contrived media controversy regarding calls for a Black agenda and competing agendas and all of that?

    Dr. Cornel West: You know the mainstream media will come up with any kind of strategy to down play the hell that Black people are catching. Anytime we try of make it a priority, they come up with some kind of strategy. We are just here to focus of the least of these; the brothers and sisters and the prisoners.

    Ashahed M. Muhammad: Coming out of this today, how would you judge this as being successful, after every thing is finished, said and done?

    Dr. Cornel West: I think if we can leave feeling inspired and empowered, feeling that we can go back into the respective context with a sense of unity and the sense of coming together and keeping the love at the center of it so that we are willing to fight and sacrifice for the poor and the least of these it would be a success.


Israel: Prevent Another Holocaust? Bomb Iran! by Carlos Latuff

Israel: Prevent Another Holocaust? Bomb Iran!
by Talented Political Cartoonist Carlos Latuff


This Week's Final Call Newspaper - The Great War, Obama, Catholics and the Synagogue of Satan

In this week's edition of The Final Call, you will find:

-Coverage of Minister Farrakhan's Saviours' Day follow-up message delivered at Mosque Maryam on March 14, 2010 titled "The Great War" in which he dealt with Iran, President Barack Obama, The Synagogue of Satan, 9-11, the War on Islam and America's future.

-Sins of the Fathers, Part III: A Crisis in the Catholic Church, the third installment of a Final Call series telling the story of Black victims of Catholic Church clergy abuse.

-An analysis on the pressure being placed upon Pres. Obama to respond to Black issues. This just days before the Tavis Smiley's big meeting in Chicago.

- Akbar Muhammad's analysis of the Western media's misreporting of Muammar Gadhafi's words on Jihad vs. Switzerland.

And more national and international news that you will not find in any other periodical! Spread the word!


Ava Muhammad's profound words at Mosque Maryam on March 14, 2010

Excerpts of words delivered by Sister Minister Ava Muhammad at Mosque Maryam in Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, March 14, 2010

Minister Farrakhan said of himself, that the word Prophet is really to cheap a word to apply to him. Here is some further enlightenment on that from Study Guide #9, ‘Our Intimate Relationship with Rabbil-Alamin’. Key word, “the Prophets struggle in the absence of God with light from God that is considered in symbolic language moonlight. And since the moon represents the sun in the absence of the sun, it has no light of it’s own. It borrows light from the sun and reflects it to the earth. If you have limited light, you have limited sight; therefore you can only provide a limited example.”

If prophets are moonlight, that’s not perfect light. It does not allow you to see with perfect clarity. In moonlight, we see partly, but in sunlight, we see fully. Moonlight does not display color. You can see the outline of things in the moonlight, but only in the sunlight can you see a thing exactly as it is. Praise is due to Allah. So the Holy Qur’an reads “We take Allah’s color and who is better than Allah at coloring and we are his worshippers”.

I submit to you today that Minister Farrakhan is unlike any thing in this reality. His presence is actually holding life up at this moment; at the end of the 25,000 year, 50,000 year, even 66 trillion year time that we have been in rebellion to Allah’s will. He is a manifestation of mercy. He is laying on our brain beloveth a base for a change in life that is going to be so dramatic, that if we did not have preparation, our brains would explode.

We are now at the end of the time where we are going to defend our Minister against false charges, that he is a racist, that he is a hater, that he is an anti-Semite. The law does not require you to prove a negative! We are not here to stand for what he has not done or said, but what he is doing and saying!

And so I say to us, who live today because of this word. You are looking at a cancer survivor. The doctor’s told me 30 years ago, that’s a rap, you are out of here in six months. I went out and heard him on a Friday night in 1981 in New York City and I still stand here!

Yes! All of us have got to reframe this! No, the Minister is not in any danger, you can’t run up on the sun! The sun shoots flames 30,000 miles into the atmosphere! So it’s not about protecting him, it’s about protecting ourselves. And the only way we can do that is when opposition comes against him, stop trying to argue. I say this to the so-called Negro scholars and leaders. Stop engaging and allowing yourself to be tested by the enemies of our liberation who demand that you denounce and repudiate the sun.

If the sun burns somebody, it only burns them because they are not natural to the solar system! And so if it burns you it’s because you don’t belong here! And so when they come and they demand that you repudiate him, stop with the long speeches and give them two words. 'Farrakhan said this and Farrakhan said that' so what! Where were you when I was on chemo therapy? Where were you when I was lost and among the dead, deaf, dumb and blind? I don’t care what he said about you. You may have been offended but you never said it was a lie. That is what sunlight does, it exposes you!

I dare you allow anyone to assign themselves a position of pre-eminence in your life. Allah ask, how can you deny Allah when you were without life and He gave you life. Sunshine is not a term of art, it is a scientific term. There is always sunlight; we would not live without it. But when sunlight is unfiltered, pure and there are no obstacles it’s called sunshine. So today, we are going to get pure, unadulterated sunshine.

May Allah bless all of us with the light of understanding as I leave you in peace.

As-Salaam Alaikum!


Farrakhan: America's Future Foretold (FinalCall.com)

In this week's edition of The Final Call, you will find continued extensive coverage of Saviours' Day 2010 including:

-Coverage of Minister Farrakhan's Saviours' Day follow-up message delivered at Mosque Maryam on March 7, 2010.

-Information regarding death threats received by popular radio talk-show host Warren Ballentine after he appeared at Saviours' Day.

-More coverage of the SD2010 workshops and forums including "The Book of Eli" with filmmaker Allen Hughes and "Redefining the American Gangster" with Frank Lucas and "Freeway" Rick Ross.

-An interesting perspective from Nicole C. Lee on "The Sharpeville Massacre: 50 Years Later."

And more national and international news that you will not find in any other periodical! Spread the word!