
NOI Historical Research Department - The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol. 2 - Saviours' Day 2011 Chicago Feb. 25th!

The Nation of Islam Historical Research Department 
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews

Saviours' Day 2011: Plenary Session | Feb. 25, 2011 @ 10AM Central / 4PM GMT
Live at The Stephens Convention Center AND Live Via Webcast!

Revelations by the Nation of Islam's Historical Research Department signal paradigm shift in study of the history of Blacks in America

In his letter dated June 24, 2010 to the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith's Abraham H. Foxman, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan wrote:
"So with this truth in our hands and yours, and soon in the hands of tens of thousands, I again ask you for a dialogue."
In a recent speech referring to The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews: How Jews Gained Control of the Black American Economy Volume 2 and Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews,  two new books published by the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam, Minister Farrakhan said:
"This is an investment that is probably one of the greatest history lessons that you will ever have the privilege of getting because most of us who write...never go to the root of why we are in the condition we are in."  

The Secret Relationship Between Black & Jews Vol. 2

Blacks never received the promised 40 acres or the mules! At the same time, Jewish immigrants came to the South in ever-increasing numbers. They found a nation determined to re-enslave Blacks and force them back onto the plantations, where they would once again be the driving force of America's cotton economy.
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 2 reveals how the growing community of Jewish politicians and Jewish businessmen, the Jewish press, the Jewish clergy, and the Jewish-led organized labor movement all participated in this White supremacist strategy.

Signaling a paradigm shift in study of the history of Blacks in America, the Nation of Islam's Historical Research Department will host a conference on Friday February 25, 2011, 10AM Central Time (4PM GMT) at The Stephens Convention Center.  The session will feature a wide-ranging discussion involving the controversial best-selling book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 2.

Come to the plenary session and find out how you can become active in this sustained campaign to clear Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam of the false charges of anti-Semitism once and for all! 

The plenary session will be held as part of The Nation of Islam's annual Saviours' Day Convention at the Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont, IL., on Friday February 25, at 10AM Central Time (4PM GMT) and also live via webcast at http://www.noi.org/webcast.shtml

If you are interested in showing this webcast internationally, specifically those in the UK and Africa, let us know so that we can plug you in with our various online activist contacts!

For more details on The Saviours' Day Convention including the weekend's full schedule of events, please visit the Official Website for Saviours' Day @ http://www.noi.org/SD2011  

For more information from the Historical Research Department, please visit http://www.BlacksandJews.com or join the conversation on http://www.Twitter.com/BlacksandJews


Media Credentialing Requests for Saviours' Day 2011

Media Credentialing for the The Nation of Islam's  Saviours' Day 2011 Convention has begun!

Reserved space for media is limited. Media organizations interested in coverage should respond immediately.

Requests for media credentials should be submitted by 4 p.m. on Friday, February 25, 2011.

There will be a press mult for the electronic press and video and audio will be provided. All radio and TV media will have to take a feed from the mult to get the head-on and program video. Video cameras will be allowed to get cutaway shots. Writers and print reporters will have seats in the arena. Still photographers will be provided with the ability to roam and get shots as needed.

Members of the media must present current, official media credentials or a Letter of Assignment on official company letterhead and photo ID.

By applying for media credentials you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions of our Media Credentialing Policy.


Autocratic Rulers are in Jeopardy Worldwide

As you already know, Egypt's long-time President Hosni Mubarak has stepped down after 30 years in power. Egypt's Vice President Omar Suleiman made the brief announcement over state TV.

Jubilant protesters filled the streets, many cheered, other cried when the official announcement was made. After 18 days of protests and over 300 killed, an historical event has taken place and the voice of the people has been heard. Mr. Mubarak is said to be in Sharm el-Sheikh. It has been reported that Mubarak's Swiss bank accounts have been frozen as well.

Some political analysts suggest that autocratic rulers are falling world worldwide.

-Ashahed M. Muhammad