
African Hebrew Israelites leader Ben Ammi Ben-Israel dies at age 75

Spiritual leader of the African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem, Rahbee Ben Ammi Ben-Israel 1939-2014

The spiritual guide & leader of the African Hebrew Israelites, Rahbee Ben Ammi Ben-Israel has passed at the age of 75. If you'd like to share your thoughts regarding his life & impact, feel free to do so here. What follows is an article I wrote during his most recent visit to the U.S. in 2008.

'A Miracle in the Desert'
40 years of commitment and sacrifice bears fruit

CHICAGO (FinalCall.com)--In a rare public appearance, the spiritual leader of the African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem, Rahbee Ben Ammi Ben-Israel was in the United States on a diplomatic mission and to speak to followers and members of the community marking the 40th anniversary of his mission.

At a private invitation only luncheon held on March 20 in the upper room at the Cosmopolitan Community Church on Chicago’s south side, the African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem were lauded for their work and sacrifice called by many “A Miracle in the Desert.”

After opening words by Ambassador Prince Asiel Ben-Israel, Rahbee Ben Ammi then spoke.

“To all of the elders, wherever you may be, whatever form you may be found, I take this opportunity on behalf of all your sons and daughters to say that we understand the price that was paid for us to be here in our generation,” said Rahbee Ben Ammi. “You may be at peace and rest in peace knowing that we will not allow your oppressors to write the last chapter of your history.”

The spiritual leader then briefly discussed the vision he received in February of 1966 informing him that it was time for the Children of Israel who remained in America—their land of captivity—to return to their place of origin. In 1967 after gaining a more thorough understanding of the vision, he inspired four hundred followers to make the exodus out of America, first settling in Liberia for two and a half years, then settling in Dimona, Israel in 1969. There they began to build a community of faith and works under his guidance and leadership.

The establishment of their society in the Negev desert was not without struggle. Initially without legal protection or cultural acceptance, the community faced intense pressure from the Israeli government refusing to recognize them as Jews according to Israel’s Law of Return. Many members faced deportation, while others were banned from participating in Israel’s national educational system or healthcare system which is available to residents and immigrants. The African Hebrew Israelites also withstood blistering media attacks on the character of the group’s leadership and members.

Despite these obstacles, they continued to build their own schools, establish their own businesses and health care systems to serve the needs of their people. In 1990, many of the obstacles related to residency were removed as they were granted temporary residency status. Permanent residency status was given by Israel’s Ministry of Interior in 2003.

Now four-decades later, they have become a part of the society with members of their community participating in the Maccabiah games—the Israeli equivalent of the Olympics—as well as serving in the Israeli Defense Force. They have also established a very popular Soul Vegetarian restaurant in Tel Aviv, and they have even established an administrative office in Dimona’s city hall.

Present at the luncheon were many members of Chicago’s Black political and spiritual leadership who spoke of their admiration for Rahbee Ben Ammi Ben-Israel’s commitment and persistence, as well as the collective work of the African Hebrew Israelite community. Many of the dignitaries recounted for the audience their memorable trips to the Holy Land to view the collective works of the community with their own eyes.

“People without visiting close up with them—it almost sounds like a fairy tale. But when you see it, you know it’s not a fairy tale,” Illinois Congressman Danny K. Davis told The Final Call. “I’ve been fortunate enough to see with my own eyes and to experience it. I know what they’ve done, and I know the difficulties they’ve had and I know the revelation they can share in terms of revealing to others throughout the world the possibility of things,” said Mr. Davis.

Senator Donnie Trotter who has been to Israel eight times said the “the peacefulness and the serenity” of the African Hebrew Israelite’s “Village of Peace” in Dimona is what stands out in his mind.

“Rahbee Ben Ammi is my spiritual father. I have seen and experienced the wonderful things that he has done over in Dimona and the model that he has created is a model that we all need to be emulating, so anytime that I can get together with this visionary is a good time for me to learn and see how we can duplicate that here in the United States,” said Sen. Trotter.

Rahbee Ben Ammi Ben-Israel in his keynote remarks covering the topic of “The State of The World and The Peace Process” said that he would be working to encourage the U.S. Congress place a ban on selling what he called “blood weapons.” This is referring to the large number of firearms supplied by the world’s largest arms dealer—The United States—being used in many conflicts across the globe. He specifically mentioned Liberia and Sierra Leone be made “no weapons” zones. His recent peacemaking efforts are an outgrowth of the mission of the Ben Ammi Institute for a New Humanity founded in 2005 as a conflict resolution center in Dimona to teach holistic non-violence and reconciliation to families, communities, faiths and nations.

Also in attendance were Carol L. Adams, Secretary of the Illinois Department of Human Services, Illinois State Senator Kwame Raoul, Mr. Charles Bowen, Publisher of N’Digo Magazine Hermene Hartman, Rev. Dr. Hycel B. Taylor, State Representative Ken Dunkin, Dr. Terry Mason, commissioner of the Chicago Department of Public Health, Former Alderman Arenda Troutman, Munir Muhammad, Business Manager of the Coalition for the Remembrance of Elijah as well as a delegation from the Nation of Islam headed by Sister Claudette Marie Muhammad.

On what is commonly referred to as Easter Sunday, March 23, Rahbee Ben Ammi spoke again to a packed house of followers and supporters at Room 43 in Chicago’s historic Bronzeville neighborhood on the subject “The Perception of Deception” Officials also announced Rahbee Ben Ammi’s latest work titled “The Resurrection—From Judgment to Post Judgment” as well as the availability of a limited edition set of five Sacred Truth Scrolls, with an accompanying booklet and CD specially narrated by Rahbee Ben Ammi.

“Its time to listen to our own prophets,” said Haki Mahdubuti the well-known author, publisher and chairman of the board of Third World Press. “It’s important that we understand that we have men and women of vision and wisdom among us,” said Mr. Mahdubuti.


Rosa Clemente: 'From the minute our children are born, they are targets.'

Hip Hop lecturer and activist Rosa Clemente 

Well known activist and grassroots organizer Rosa Clemente told me it is her view that many have been “lulled to sleep” by the fact that there is a Black President in Barack Obama, and a Black Attorney General in Eric Holder. As a veteran activist, she was not surprised by the ‪#‎Ferguson‬ decision.

“I am not surprised as someone who has been working on these issues for twenty years, but I’m always disappointed and always so sad that I have to take my 10-year old daughter to a rally for justice right now because that’s the world we live in, and she herself can be a victim of police violence at her age,” said Clemente. “It is a profound moment for all of us of this first ‪#‎HipHop‬ political generation who have really fought to stop this and now know that we have our children to protect along with many others. They are killing our kids. From the minute our children are born, they are targets,” she added.

‪#‎MikeBrown‬, ‪#‎EricGarner‬, ‪#‎TamirRice‬, ‪#‎TrayvonMartin‬, ‪#‎TroyDavis‬, ‪#‎OscarGrant‬, ‪#‎SeanBell‬, ‪#‎RumainBrisbon‬, ‪#‎JohnCrawford‬, ‪#‎EzellFord‬.

Abel Muhammad says...'It is beyond #Ferguson.'

Abel Muhammad 

Nation of Islam Latino Representative Abel Muhammad recently spent four days on the West Coast and told me he saw graffiti there calling for “Justice for Mike Brown.” He also spent a few hours in St. Louis on a layover before his flight back to his home in Chicago and shared his thoughts with me.

“It is beyond Ferguson, it is beyond just Mike Brown. It is a national epidemic, and people have had enough.” said Mr. Muhammad. “The youth are tired—Black and Brown. They will not continue to stay in this condition. They have said they would rather die than things stay like this where their lives mean nothing.”

West Coast KAM weighs in on #Exodus #Pharoah and #Negroes!

Prominent West Coast ‪#‎HipHop‬ activist and outreach specialist KAM was very clear when he conveyed his thoughts to me about the current state of affairs. He said:

"Not only am I ready to separate and exodus from Pharaoh and his people, I'm also just as ready to separate and exodus from Pharaoh-loving Negroes!"

Wise Intelligent delivers his thoughts on #Ferguson #Garner #Justice and #Separation

Wise Intelligent
‪#‎HipHop‬ wordsmith Wise Intelligent sent me a comprehensive e-mail directly representing his views on everything that is taking place. These are straight words from a committed activist with boots on the ground in the field. He writes:

"YOU CANNOT REASON or NEGOTIATE your humanity with a nation of TERRORISTS! They quite frankly don't care, and history is clear on this fact. ...and to all the Black people with a 'good education' a 'good job' a 'nice home' and car (and the fear of losing what you 'worked so hard for') as the reason for your complacency and capitulation to all manner of injustice, none of that will insulate you or your children's children from the terrorism of these committed terrorists.

IN CONCLUSION if we are not afraid to launch and encourage mass protests across the country at the risk of being beaten, tear-gassed, shot with wooden/rubber bullets, possibly real bullets, handcuffed tossed into the back of iron walled wagons, and violently carted off to jail - then WHY ARE WE NOT AFRAID to face the same thing for withdrawing our tax dollars and support out of American agencies and institutions that do not have our best interest as part of its mission statement?

It seems to me that most of the protests and demonstrations are still hopelessly rooted in the failed precepts of integration. It appears we still protest with the desire to integrate into a white-American humanity qualifying standard? I mean we seem to ultimately desire to BE LOVED by an apparent ENEMY!" ‪#‎Separation‬

Long Range Acoustic Devices (Sound Cannons) and YOU!

Militarized Chicago Police Department personnel at NATO 2012 protests. (Photo: Ashahed M. Muhammad)

The first time I actually saw an ‪#‎LRAD‬ (Long Range Acoustic Device a.k.a. sound cannon) in person was during the ‪#‎NATO‬ 2012 protests in Chicago. It is a sonic weapon. When it rolled out, this girl started giving everyone in the area ear plugs. Some looked puzzled, but I knew exactly why she was giving them out. Things had escalated. We were on Cermak and Michigan and a few among the thousands tried to take it to the window breaking and fire starting stage in efforts to move energy in another direction.

The #LRAD was deployed by the CPD but they didn't have to use it. More battle ready troops like those in the picture above arrived, and they simply began beating protesters who would not comply and/or disperse. Neutralized the threat within three to five minutes. If you step into areas where protests are taking place, it is important for you to understand something: YOU may be 'peacefully' protesting, but the enforcers of the state are not prepared to 'peacefully' deal with you.They are wearing armor.


'America: The Surveillance State' TONIGHT on 'Take Another Look'

Everything you do is monitored. If that statement shocks you, it means you are painfully unaware of the leviathan spying and global surveillance apparatus which emanates from the United States of America. On tonight’s edition of ‘Take Another Look’ we’re going to discuss the ‘universal snoopers’ who are monitoring your cell phone calls, internet surfing habits, incoming and outgoing email traffic and yes…even your snail mail! 

Even if you ARE already aware that you are being monitored, the reach of the government's surveillance system is even MORE expansive than you think it is! We’re not conspiracy theorists, we’re your early warning system and we are armed with facts. 

We'll also discuss Glenn Greenwald's book 'No Place To Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA and the U.S. Surveillance State.'  Read more about the book @ http://www.glenngreenwald.net/.

Tune in tonight for your dose of Action Based Research to find out what you can do about it! 

'America: The Surveillance State' tonight 9PM CT www.know1radio.com or, to hear it via your smartphone or tablet download the Live365 app and enter 'Know1Radio.'


2014 Black Weblog Awards Finalist Voting Ends October 28th!

Final voting closes on October 28th for this year's Black Weblog Awards. Those with the highest vote totals will be named and honored at an awards ceremony in Austin, TX on June 20th, 2015

With your help, several excellent bloggers whom I admire successfully made it through the semi-final round and are now finalists in the following categories:

Best Instagram & Twitter Feeds: BrotherJesse (Brother Jesse Muhammad)
Best Hashtag:#‎AskFarrakhan
Best Health or Wellness Blog: 'Hurt 2 Healing' (Ebony S. Muhammad)
Best Personal Blog: DericMuhammad.com (Deric Muhammad)

And yes, this blog 'Take Another Look with Ashahed Muhammad' is a finalist in the Best Political or News Blog category.
Go to: http://www.blackweblogawards.com now and vote!
Thanks to all who voted in the semi-final round, and thanks to those of you who will take time to cast your votes in the finals! Your votes are needed again, and are appreciated!


'Genocide and the Science of Survival' TONIGHT on 'Take Another Look' w/ Ashahed M. Muhammad

You may not be interested in terms like 'global depopulation', 'bioethics' 'electromagnetic fields' and 'culling', but you should be.

Tonight on 'Take Another Look' join me as we discuss 'Genocide and the Science of Survival.' We're dealing with ‪#‎Ebola‬ ‪#‎AIDS‬ ‪#‎BioWarfare‬ & ‪#‎DisasterPrep‬. 9PM Central on KNOW 1 Radio

You can also download the Live365 app and listen via your smartphone or tablet and type 'Know1Radio' in the search field.  Do not miss it! 

Also, have you seen the documentary "Maafa 21: ·Black Genocide· in 21st Century America?" We'll be talking about that too!


#ISIS/#ISIL and America's long history of #CovertOps aimed at foreign nations

Whether it is Cuba, Libya or areas of what is called "The Middle East," America has a long history of covert operations and destabilization of foreign governments. Facts above all else. 

The latest tool is #ISIS/#ISIL.

We're going all the way in tonight! Join us for everything you need to know. 9PM Central on KNOW 1 Radio.

I'll also be interested in hearing what you though about last week's show dealing with 9-11.

Are you a #TruthTrafficker?

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Dr. Kevin Barrett and Richard Gage discuss 9/11 on 'Take Another Look' w/ Ashahed M. Muhammad

Tonight on 'Take Another Look' you'll hear from prominent author and editor of 'Veterans Today' Dr. Kevin Barrett. He's a vocal and outspoken critic of America's 'War on Terror' who is not afraid to name names. 

You'll also hear from the founder and director of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Richard Gage. Both of these guests are sure to give you plenty to think about and research, especially as we prepare for tomorrow's worldwide commemoration of the 13th year since 9/11. 

#WarOnTerror #ISIS/#ISIL #EarlyWarningSystem 9PM-11PM Central on KNOW 1 Radio.

Two hours of high level information dissemination. 

Spread the word and join us! 

'Take Another Look' Radio show for all those interested in TRUTH!

'Take Another Look' with me Wednesdays at 9PM Central on KNOW 1 Radio. Download and install the Live365 app to your smartphone or tablet so you can listen whenever and wherever you like.


Perspectives from the young people in #Ferguson: 'Voices of the Youth: Angry, Outraged & Committed.' (FinalCall.com)

FERGUSON, Mo.--During times like these, the voices of the youth are often ignored by mainstream media outlets and opportunistic leaders who appear to be more interested in gaining media attention than doing what’s right.

However, in Ferguson, members of a vocal and committed young activist group called Lost Voices, have been camped out since Michael Brown Jr., was killed. These young men and women faced the might of the militaristic police force directly, and lived to tell about it. They say they were in the streets before the cameras arrived, and they will be present after the cameras leave.
Dontey Carter (center) with members of Lost Voices
(Photo: Warren Muhammad/FirstWork Media)

Dontey Carter is an extremely passionate and vocal leader of the youth. 

“We’ve been out here since day one! When I say day one, I mean since they’ve been throwing tear gas at us. We were trying to peacefully protest! All we’re trying to do is get our voices heard and  that’s how we came up with Lost Voices,” said Mr. Carter. “The people that surround you, the law enforcement (officials), are out to hurt you—out to kill you! It is a brotherhood that they live in, it don’t have anything to do with religion, it don’t have nothing to do with no gang, it is about a new system!”

Dirty Boy Montana
Dirty Boy Montana wore a shirt with the word “Global Thugs” on it. He said the shirt represents brotherhood and unity. 

“It don’t matter what gang or what you’re on, we on some all around the world brotherly love to unify,” he said. At 33, and born and raised in St. Louis, he knows some of the youth want to take it to another level, and appear at times to be somewhat frustrated by the strategies of the established community leaders,  but it’s nothing to be concerned about, he said, because all are working towards a common goal.

“That’s that warrior in our blood. That’s cool and there’s a time and place for everything. I can understand both sides and everything. When it comes down to it, you got conflicts of methods going on and they’re both needed,” he added. Near the Canfield Green Apartments where Michael Brown Jr. was killed by White police officer, Darren Wilson, youth activists held a sign reading “Smash Racist Police Murder” and listed the names of several Black men who have lost their lives at the hands of overzealous law enforcement officials.

“As youth we need to look at our brothers and sisters.  As youth we need to take care of our nephews and nieces. We need to not sit up here and be selfish,” said Marcita Harris. “This is the time to claim our unity. This is the time to bring our village together. This is the time for all our Black women to stand behind our Black men. I kept asking the question where are the women, where are the women and now we are here! We have been the voices, we have been the ones that have been chanting, grabbing our brother’s hands! This is the time we need to be here!” said Ms. Harris.

(For more information on how youth can join the movement, visit http://handsupdontshoot.com)


"What we're trying to do is keep people from dying."-- Richard Muhammad, Editor-in-Chief of The Final Call

Editor-in-Chief of The Final Call Richard B. Muhammad who is at 'ground-zero' in Ferguson, MO 

If you are relying on CNN, MSNBC and FOX to tell you what is going on in #Ferguson, then you don't really know what's going on.

I just conducted an exclusive interview with the Editor-in-Chief of The Final Call Richard B. Muhammad who is at 'ground-zero' in Ferguson, MO and has been there for quite some time delivering direct information to the public.

Not only is he conducting top-notch reporting and sending pictures documenting what is taking place, but he is also doing his duty as a Muslim, an advocate and protector of our people.

During this brief interview, he delivers his candid perspectives on the following:

- The reality on the ground, which is not being reported by the “mainstream media” and the role of the Nation of Islam in preventing the loss of life

- The presence of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder

- White agent provocateurs creating mischief among peaceful Black protesters

- The importance of institutions like The Final Call when it comes to telling our stories

- His discussion with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on the unrest in Ferguson

- The militarized police presence in Ferguson

(The audio runs a little over 16 minutes.)


God's Influence in Hip Hop and Consciousness Survey

I got alot of feedback from the 'God's Influence in Hip Hop' article and I'm still receiving it. Thank you. Overwhelmingly positive, some negative, but ultimately all good. As I work on follow-up articles in the series, you can help by answering the 3 questions on this short survey. I'm trying to give everybody a chance to weigh in and have their voices heard.

Take the survey here:  http://tinyurl.com/mh4qmvg

Whether in the barbershop, on the corner or at a party, asking a question about Hip Hop greats and their influence, or attempting rankings automatically leads to spirited and passionate discussions.


God and Hip Hop examined in this edition of The Final Call (FinalCall.com)

Cover of The Final Call Volume 33 Number 42
Many rappers and members of the Hip-Hop Nation will readily admit that even though they are not registered members of the Nation of Islam or self-identified members of the Five Percent Nation, they have been influenced by both in very significant ways.

In Black communities, particularly major metropolitan areas, it is not unusual to hear the greetings of “As-Salaam Alaikum” coming from the mouths of little children, Christians, and many who are not Muslims. Within the culture of Hip-Hop, you will hear many using the phrase “Word is Bond” who have never in their lives seen the Supreme Wisdom Lessons by Master Fard Muhammad nor the 120 Lessons of the Five Percent Nation.

For many, during the late 80s and mid-90s, their first exposure to the voice of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan may have come from hearing his speeches mixed over beats, or perhaps a lyrical reference in a group’s Hip-Hop song. The fundamental teachings that a man, God himself, came to identify and deliver Black people in fulfillment of the prophecies, is at the root of any Black liberation theology being taught or heard today.

Through his lectures and writings, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad shattered the myths of the White God, the White Jesus and White Supremacy cloaked in the religion of Christianity. It was the teachings of the Nation of Islam that brought Black people face to face with the fact that what they were reading in the pages of their Bibles represented prophecies that had yet to be fulfilled and symbolic pictures of people, places, and events in the future.

The old gospel songs about Moses asking Pharaoh to “let my people go” and the deliverance of a suffering people seeking redemption are not Jewish melodies, but Black freedom songs, so it is fitting that Hip Hop would be the musical vehicle as modern day gospel songs to the youth, carrying forth these important truths and newly discovered realities.

Black people were taught about the holocaust of European Jews, but nothing about their own Black Holocaust. Black people knew U.S. History, but very little about their history before slavery. All that would change with the injection of consciousness raising lyrics that would not only inform, but also educate. 

You'll get a megadose of #HipHop reality in this week's editoin. I spoke with  Lord Jamar of Brand Nubian, Wise Intelligent of the Poor Righteous Teachers and linguistic scholar Dr. Wesley Muhammad. The Gods weighed in. I think you'll enjoy their analysis.

Read it in this edition of The Final Call. In digital and print. http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/National_News_2/article_101629.shtml


Israel’s Latest Genocidal Assault Against Palestinians is Nothing New (FinalCall.com) #GazaUnderAttack

The Final Call Vol. 33 No. 41 with coverage of the latest Israeli assault on the Palestinian people.
Israel’s Latest Genocidal Assault Against Palestinians is Nothing New
By Ashahed Maliki Muhammad (@AshahedM)

The launch of Operation Protective Edge by the Israeli Defense Forces July 8 represents only the latest genocidal aggression targeting the Palestinian people.

“The common narrative that Israel is responding in self-defense is totally misleading,” said Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Central Council and founder of the Palestinian National Initiative political movement. “Israel provoked the actions, Israel is the one who started the airstrikes on Gaza, Israel is the one when there was no response made sure to assassinate people so there would be a response. Israel must be restrained,” he added.

Hamas is fighting back by sending rockets to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, but their weapons are no match for the bloody paralyzing military capabilities of the Israel Defense Forces. The Bonn International Centre for Conversion’s 2013 Global Military Index has Israel at the top of its list as the world’s most militarized country. The independent, non-profit policy organization uses several variables to determine the relative importance of the military apparatus to the society as a whole.

Attorney Tarek Khalil, a Palestinian activist, said the military mismatch is the main part missing from the Western and controlled media’s narrative and an important part of what is happening. “Palestinians are being killed by the Israeli government itself using a technologically advanced army. Whatever is done by Palestinians in response is a reaction to being attacked by the occupying forces of the Zionist government.

“It’s always presented as two sides with equal bargaining chips almost as if it is symmetrical and equal conflict between two sides who can equally defend themselves,” said Atty. Khalil. “Well, nothing could be further from the truth. It is absolutely ridiculous to even suggest that Palestinians are the aggressors. There is no such thing as aggression from victims,” he added.   

Many view Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas as somewhat weak, however, he is the preferred choice of Israel and the United States when confronted with the specter of having to work with Hamas, which handily won democratic parliamentary elections in 2006 and still maintains significant support. Most recently, as they continue to seek international support for Palestinian statehood, it was announced last month that a unity government between Fatah and Hamas had been formed, much to the chagrin of Israel and the U.S.

“Everything started since the Palestinian consensus government was announced and since the reconciliation took place,” Dr. Barghouti explained. “It was clear since then that Israel was planning a huge operation with specific political aims.” Decades of state-sponsored terror

Israel has been an occupying force in the Palestinian territories for decades, and this is not the first time they have maimed and injured innocent men, women, and children, without being called to account for their actions. Dr. Barghouti also believes ground operations are imminent, tanks will be rolling in and more soldiers, which means a repeat of the bloody massacres that took place at the end of 2008/2009 and 2012 that resulted in heavy Palestinian civilian casualties.

According to analysts, Israel’s goals are several: to break the Palestinians will to reject a long-term apartheid system, to end the political isolation currently being experienced by Israel, and to break up Palestinian efforts at establishing unity.

“Israel will not achieve their political goals, but the price is going to be very heavy. We are talking about the loss of thousands of lives,” Dr. Barghouti said.

Numbers can be deceiving, but in this case, they tell an important aspect of the story infrequently analyzed. Israel’s political leaders and people fear the demographic threat posed by Palestinians. According to 2014 statistics from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the Palestinian population is estimated to be nearly 4.6 million. According to several human rights organizations operating in the area, nearly half of the  Palestinian population is under 20 years of age.

The recent actions of the Israeli military are “appalling” and suggestive of the type of imbalance that has occurred over the years, said Imam Sultan Rahman Muhammad of Mosque Maryam. Israel, by her actions, continues to make things worse, he noted.

“We’re looking at the Israeli government practicing what is known as collective punishment,” said Imam Muhammad. “The young Palestinians are growing up with revenge in their hearts, and we find that this is not bringing any resolution to the problem that has been existing since 1948, and the only type of resolution that can come is to stop the settlements and put an end to the apartheid type of government.”

The violence in the region did not begin with the deaths of three Israeli teens in June, nor is it a battle between two opponents of equal military strength. The United States of America supports reliably and delivers Foreign Military Financing to the tune of $3 billion annually, to bolster and maintain Israel’s quantitative and qualitative military advantage  in the region. A conservative estimate by the Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs found total direct aid to Israel topping $123 billion since Israel’s formation in 1948.

“There is no accountability in the Occupied Territories. Israeli officials and authorities operate with impunity,” said Brad Parker, staff attorney and international advocacy officer for Defence for Children International-Palestine, which promotes and protects global children’s rights in the Occupied Territories. According to the group, 14 children under the age of 18 have been killed. Two victims were 3-years old and two were only 1-year-old. When looking at the names and ages of the 41 who have been killed, many are in their 20s. No Israelis have lost their lives.

Israel’s Threats and Actions

Shortly after it was publicly reported that the three missing Israeli teenagers, Gilad Shaer,16, Naftali Fraenkel, 16, and Eyal Yifrah, 19, had been found dead, instead of pleading for calm, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu whipped Israelis into an emotional frenzy using American-style dog whistle politics and calling for vengeance.

“Vengeance for the blood of a small child, Satan has not yet created. Neither has vengeance for the blood of three pure youths who were on their way home to their parents who will not see them anymore. Hamas is responsible and Hamas will pay. May the memories of the three boys be blessed. They were abducted and murdered in cold blood by human animals,” said Mr. Netanyahu.

His strategy likely helped lead hawkish and bloodthirsty supporters into vigilantism. The death of 15-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir soon followed. He was kidnapped, tortured and burned alive by his abductors. Six Israelis are being held in connection with the death.

Then in a tragically ironic twist, the next day, Tarek Abu Khdeir, a U.S. citizen from Tampa, Fla., and Mohammed Abu Khdeir’s cousin, was viciously beaten by Israeli police. Video footage of the brutal beating emerged and has spread throughout media networks worldwide. There have also been reports of other attempted kidnappings of Palestinians, and now, Israeli youth are menacingly prowling neighborhoods loudly chanting “death to Arabs.”

Shortly thereafter, bombing of Gaza began.

Israel’s government and military have advanced the narrative that Operation Protective Edge is needed to dismantle Hamas and Islamic Jihad, however the entire population of Gaza and the West Bank find themselves punished with few defenders.

“This is not an attack on Hamas, this is an attack on all of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Gaza is completely under siege,” said Dr. Barghouti.

“Who is going to defend the Palestinians from this rage from the Israeli terror?” asked Hatem Abudayyeh of the United States Palestine Community Network. Palestinians are not going to sit by—in the Middle East or America—and watch as their people are killed, he said. The U.S. government must act against Israel’s state-sponsored violence and further retaliatory bloodshed, said Mr. Abudayyeh.

Many have called for a ceasefire, but Israel typically violates the terms and never respects any agreements. Dr. Barghouti, who was among those who sat with members of Hamas to work out details of the unity government, said on July 9 President Mahmoud Abbas made an official request to the United States to talk to Israel. He called for a complete and immediate ceasefire. Israel refused.

“It is now clear that Israel is the one that is refusing to have any ceasefire,” said Dr. Barghouti. “If Israel stops its airstrikes and stops its invasion, there will be no rockets. There was a complete ceasefire and complete calm and Hamas was not only not shooting any rockets, they also restrained and prevented others from doing so,” he added.

[Read the entire article with photos and video @ http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/World_News_3/article_101606.shtml]


'Live From Gaza Where Israel Rains Death' By Mohanad Nabhan

Mohanad Nabhan writes from Gaza 

'Live From Gaza Where Israel Rains Death' 
By Mohanad Nabhan
Gaza, July 10, 2014

Nothing is worse than the sound of explosions in the distance, the sound of a house crumbling to ashes, the sound of drones overhead and the sound of the radio calling out the names of the fallen victims. Some of the fallen are my age, some are younger, some are mere children, women, or elderly. Yet here I stand incapable of action or even a tender whisper goodbye to the friends I have lost at the hands of this cruel war.

Yesterday would mark the first night of many that people in Gaza would spend in terror, and the World Cup would present a pleasant escape from the violence. Two of my friends, Mohammed Khalil Qanan (26 years old) and Ibrahim Khalil (29 years old), went to watch the match between Argentina and Netherlands at a café on the beach.

What they thought would be a joyous night turned into a nightmare as they were targeted by the Israeli navy which shelled the Gazan seaport last night. Nine innocent people died in that incident. Nine people died, for merely wanting to watch a game. Nine people will not come home to their family, and I will never see my friends again.

I live in an open-air prison, where there is no place to hide. Two days ago, the IDF demolished a house that is a mere 100 meters from my own. I went to see the carnage, but my mind could not comprehend what my eyes saw. All it takes is a minute. One minute you could be sitting in your living room drinking tea with your family, and the next you are screaming but no one will hear the sound.

Its been four days since Gaza has been submerged into a war with horrors your deepest nightmares could not imagine. So far, Palestinian medical officials have confirmed the death of 89 Palestinian and the injury of 630 people, and more are yet to come.

For the world, these people are just numbers, for us these people are heroes, and for others these people are fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters that they can’t imagine life without.
Young brothers mourn those killed by the Israeli military and police.
(Photo: Ashahed M. Muhammad)

I watch as my little brother covers his ears with his hands, trying to block out the sound of rockets raining down on neighborhoods taking away the lives of more innocent men and women. I wonder if he is trying to block out the sound of the F16, or if in his innocent mind he believes that if he cannot hear our house shaking, our windows shattering, and our doors swinging, that his heart will grow steady.

I sit on my bed and I stare at the swinging chandelier and I think of all the mothers who kiss their children good night, perhaps for the last time. I think of the husbands who hold their wives and pray for strength.

Then I pray for the children who wake up to find that they have no family left, and that the place they once called home is no more. I kiss my brother on the forehead and I pray. I can do nothing but pray.

How can I give my family comfort or peace, when my own heart is in my throat. Will I meet my maker tonight?

When I was younger, I would wake up terrified in a cold sweat from the sound. My father would stroke my hair gently and whisper, “Don’t be afraid baba. They are just fireworks”.

Out of the narrow gap of the window I can see lights twinkling in the darkness. Perhaps in ten years, I will tell my own child this lie so that they will be able to sleep. I really
wish those lights were fireworks, but they are missiles, death reapers that shower on my homeland.

Forget the innocence of youth, here our children learn of guns, drones and death before they learn to speak. What in the name of God have those children done to witness this barbarity? Why must a child become an orphan before he learns to pronounce the word mom? Here, our weddings don’t end in “Happily ever after”. Here a bride may say farewell to her husband before she has her wedding. “Wait for me” she cries, “I will see you soon”.

Yet here I stand… Still doing nothing. All I hear is that awful sound. The sound of explosions in the distance, the sound of a house crumbling to ashes, the sound of drones overhead, and the sound of the radio calling out the names of the fallen victims.



My experience with Sybrina Fulton, the mother of our beloved Trayvon Martin

Here with Sybrina Fulton, the courageous mother of Trayvon Martin, at the First African Baptist Church in Philadelphia.(Photo: FirstWork Media)

Over this past weekend, I had the opportunity to meet and have a brief one on one conversation with Sybrina Fulton, the courageous mother of our slain young brother Trayvon Martin.

Ms. Fulton means a lot to Black people and the experience is one that I will not soon forget. 

To be able to look into her eyes and see clearly that our sister still feels pain when thinking or talking about her son Trayvon. There is nothing like a mother’s love. They say time heals all wounds, but it doesn’t. Despite her pain, Ms. Fulton carries herself with a quiet dignity and strength that is remarkable and admirable.

I have watched women such as Coretta Scott King, Betty Shabazz, and Mamie Till, the mother of Emmett Till, and what I’ve observed is they have an inner peace and power that comes from understanding that they represent something greater than themselves because of their unique connections to individuals who have become martyred icons. Tragic circumstances forced them into those positions thrusting them into the merciless and unenviable world of those with highly visible public profiles. That was not their desire. They wanted to be wives and mothers and experience long life and old age with their husbands. In the case of Mamie Till, surely she wanted to see her son grow into an adult right?

Ms. Fulton represents the greatest injustice that we have witnessed in quite some time. She exudes a firm confidence and walks with a steady determination. Justice is coming and her son Trayvon will not be forgotten.

Minister Farrakhan shared some private words with her after his message at First African Baptist Church in Philadelphia on June 22. Tears rolled down her cheeks as he spoke to her, yet she remained strong. I will not share those private words. It will be up to Ms. Fulton to share them at a later date and time if it is her desire.

Despite all she has been through, and knowing the formidable challenges that lie ahead on the road to justice, she marches on in the memory of her son Trayvon and—as you can see in the picture—smiles. 

I find myself in awe, strangely bordering on amazement, when I think about the strength of the Black woman.


Alpha Kappa Alpha Mourns the loss of Maya Angelou

Chicago, Illinois – Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority mourns the loss of beloved honorary member Maya Angelou. Speaking on behalf of Alpha Kappa Alpha’s 265,000 members worldwide, the Sorority’s International President Carolyn House Stewart borrowed a title from one of her poems in hailing her as a “phenomenal woman.”

Declared Stewart, “As a poet, author, actress, advocate, humanitarian and dispenser of wisdom, Maya Angelou inspired and uplifted everyone she touched. In her words and deeds, she was fierce, courageous and bold. Most of all, and at her core, she radiated love. This rare ability to give and receive love will ultimately be the legacy she leaves the world.”

President Stewart said that Maya Angelou was one of the Sorority’s most-heralded members. She was inducted into the Sorority on March 10, 1983 as an Honorary Member. During the ceremony, she was hailed as a distinguished woman whose works and contributions parallel AKA’s ideals of achievement and service. It is an ideal she maintained throughout her 86 years of life, said Stewart.

“Alpha Kappa Alpha extends condolences to the world community, which grieves the loss of this icon,” stated Stewart. “While we lament her passing, we join the world in celebrating her life, which will be forever etched in our minds and in our hearts.”


Ras Baraka elected Mayor of Newark, New Jersey!

Ras Baraka 

I interviewed newly elected Mayor Ras J. Baraka the last time I was in Newark, NJ (May 2012) for the fundraising program held by WISOMMM (Women in Support of the Million Man March). Ras and I had an 'on the record' conversation and an 'off the record' conversation and I can tell you his commitment to the people and the poor is deep and consistent. 

He has great ideas, is not afraid to speak up and will need the support of those who want to take the city back from those who have benefited from corruption, political patronage and have plans for full gentrification. 

Congratulations Ras! Congratulations Newark! 

What a powerful way to honor the memory of his father!
Amiri Baraka


'Slavery, Reparations & Our Future' (The Final Call UK/International Edition)

The Cover of The Final Call's United Kingdom/International Edition

The governments of Britain, France and the Netherlands are primarily being targeted to pay compensation to Blacks throughout the African Diaspora hurt and destroyed by what is commonly called the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, prime minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, has been at the forefront of the CARICOM effort. He was scheduled to be the keynote speaker at a recent U.S. reparations event, but was unable to make it. In his stead was Rhonda King, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ambassador to the United Nations, and Professor Hilary Beckles, who serves as chair of the CARICOM Reparations Commission. Mr. Beckles, pro vice chancellor of the Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies, wrote the book “Britain’s Black Debt: Reparations for Caribbean Slavery and Native Genocide.”

The trading of enslaved Africans lies at the foundation of the wealth inequality that exists not only in the United States but worldwide. The Western world was built through the work done, and profits generated by Blacks scattered across the globe and deposited wherever free labor was required by Europeans.

There has been some tacit and direct admission of wrongdoing by European nations in recent years: The British agreed to issue a “statement of regret” and award $21.5 million to surviving Kenyans detained and tortured during the Mau Mau rebellion decades ago. In 2007 to mark the 200th anniversary of the British prohibition of slavery, then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair “expressed regret” for suffering caused by Britain’s role in the slave trade. The Haitian revolution of January 1, 1804 effectively ended slavery in that territory, but the equivalent of economic sanctions was used against Haiti as a penalty for her successful efforts at throwing off the chains of slavery and colonialism. Following the January 2010 earthquake, then French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly acknowledged the “wounds of colonization,” and quickly approved a financial aid package said to include millions in budgetary support for the Haitian government.

Activists say a mere “statement of regret” will not be sufficient for the horrific trafficking and enslavement of Black human beings around the world.


The #NBA, L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling & the responsibility of Black athletes

Muhammad Ali
For those who missed it, the discussion Dr. Ava Muhammad & I had Sunday afternoon on WVON 1690AM dealing with the #NBA, L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling & the responsibility of Black athletes, is posted on the 'Elevated Places' Soundcloud page.

The phones were hot with people weighing in nationwide. Listen to it, give us your feedback and spread the word!  

John Carlos and Tommy Smith, 1968 Olympics
Mahmoud Abdul Rauf (a.k.a Chris Jackson)


‘Afropop’ special w/ Anthony Mackie brings plight of Haitian deportees to television in June

Hard time gets harder for legal immigrants with a criminal record deported from the United States
to Haiti; ‘Deported’ documentary premieres on the WORLD Channel on Sunday, June 8 during Caribbean Heritage Month

NEW YORK—“AfroPoP: The Ultimate Cultural Exchange,” the innovative documentary series of independent films on contemporary life, art and pop culture across the African Diaspora, returns to WORLD Channel during Caribbean Heritage Month with a special on the sad plight of legal immigrants deported to Haiti from the U.S. for legal infractions. “Deported,” by Rachèle Magloire and Chantal Regnault, makes its U.S. television premiere on Sunday, June 8, at 9pm ET/8pm CT/7pm MT/6pm PT. “AfroPoP” is hosted by acclaimed actor Anthony Mackie,  produced by National Black Programming Consortium (NBPC), and co-presented by American Public Television (APT).

Since 1996 and 2002, respectively—barring a one-year respite following the deadly Haitian earthquake of January 2010—the United States and Canada have each implemented a policy of repatriation of all foreign residents who have committed crimes on their soil. These infractions range from violent crimes to convictions for such offenses as driving while intoxicated or petty theft. “Deported” follows seven of these North American offenders as they return to Haiti for the first time since leaving as children to face an unfamiliar and hostile homeland.

The film exposes the heavy burden facing Caribbean and Latin American countries due to the forced “migration” of these immigrants—who often have no family ties and no support system in the new environment to help them re-integrate into society.
“With many deportees to Haiti having no family members there or knowledge of the native language and sometimes even being homeless, they often fight for barest survival,” said Magloire and Regnault, who followed the deportees for three years while capturing the anguish, anxiety and regret of their families left behind in North America. “We felt we needed to turn a spotlight on this practice as well as to educate young immigrants to the especially stiff penalties they can face for sometimes minor violations.”

“When immigration hits the headlines, rarely are people of African descent being discussed, yet U.S. immigration policies are affecting increasingly diverse black communities—a fact that is often overlooked both in the black community and on the national scene,” said NBPC Vice President and Director of Programming Leslie Fields-Cruz, who is also co-executive producer of “AfroPoP.” “We hope to shed light on often-forgotten people and on issues that should be a central part of the conversation on immigration.”

NBPC will also offer additional online programming in June surrounding the special. A series of Caribbean shorts will screen on NBPC’s website, www.blackpublicmedia.org. The first two shorts, together with “Deported,” are part of a three-part examination of immigration from the Afro-Caribbean perspective. These films include Kareem Mortimer’s “Passage,” in which a Haitian woman and her brother are smuggled on a fishing vessel to the Bahamas (June 2); and Lisa Harewood’s “Auntie,” which focuses on an often ignored side effect of migration: the disruption and heartache in the lives and relationships of the people left behind (June 16). On June 23 “Vivre,” by Maharaki, will screen. In this short, a teacher asks her class what they want to do when they grow up; while his classmates happily respond, Tom, a quiet 10-year-old boy, slips away. Rounding out the program on June 30 will be the documentary short “Small Man” by Mariel Brown, which follows an ordinary man of modest means who creates models, dollhouses and more in a small workshop in his home.

Along with WORLD Channel airings, APT will distribute “AfroPoP” to local public television stations nationwide in June 2014.


Anthony Mackie is an American television, feature film and stage actor. A graduate of the Juilliard School’s Drama Division, Mackie was first discovered playing the role of Tupac Shakur in the off-Broadway production “Up Against the Wind.” Shortly thereafter, he made an auspicious film debut as Eminem’s nemesis, Papa Doc, in Curtis Hanson’s “8 Mile.” His performance caught the attention of Spike Lee, who cast Mackie in the 2004 Toronto Film Festival’s Masters program selections “Sucker Free City” and “She Hate Me.” He also appeared in Clint Eastwood’s Academy Award-winning “Million Dollar Baby,” opposite Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman, and Eastwood. Additional film roles include “We Are Marshall”; “Half Nelson,” with Ryan Gosling; “Night Catches Us,” opposite Kerry Washington; “The Adjustment Bureau,” which also featured Matt Damon and Emily Blunt; “Real Steel,” with Hugh Jackman; “Gangster Squad,” where he shared the screen with Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling; “Pain & Gain,” with co-stars Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson; and “Runner, Runner,” alongside Ben Affleck, Justin Timberlake and Gemma Arterton. Mackie earned IFP Spirit Award nominations for his performances in Rodney Evans’ “Brother to Brother” and Kathryn Bigelow’s “The Hurt Locker.”

His theatrical credits on and off Broadway include “Drowning Crow,” “McReele,” “A Soldier’s Play,” and “A Behanding in Spokane.” Earlier, his Broadway debut was as the stuttering nephew, Sylvester, alongside Whoopi Goldberg in August Wilson’s “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.” He won an Obie Award for his role in Carl Hancock Rux’s “Talk.” 

Mackie recently joined the Marvel Comics family playing Sam Wilson/the Falcon in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” released in April.