Everything you do is monitored. If that statement shocks you, it means you are painfully unaware of the leviathan spying and global surveillance apparatus which emanates from the United States of America. On tonight’s edition of ‘Take Another Look’ we’re going to discuss the ‘universal snoopers’ who are monitoring your cell phone calls, internet surfing habits, incoming and outgoing email traffic and yes…even your snail mail!

We'll also discuss Glenn Greenwald's book 'No Place To Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA and the U.S. Surveillance State.' Read more about the book @ http://www.glenngreenwald.net/.
Tune in tonight for your dose of Action Based Research to find out what you can do about it!
'America: The Surveillance State' tonight 9PM CT www.know1radio.com or, to hear it via your smartphone or tablet download the Live365 app and enter 'Know1Radio.'