
Not what she had in mind…but

She wasn’t speaking on the day she had in mind because that day would have been August 28, however, clearly, in the prime time spot, Barack Obama’s vanquished Democratic primary opponent Hillary Clinton spoke to the close to 20,000 inside of the Pepsi Center in Denver, CO.

As I sat in the press area in the arena. Tonight, I was sitting next to a colleague covering the convention from a news agency in Japan. Blue Obama signs and White Hillary signs waved as we watched a 5 minute video on the Diamond Vision screen of the arena detailing her aspects of her life and presidential campaign, she walked in after a very brief interdiction by her daughter, Chelsea. After a 7 minute standing ovation by the crowd chanting “Hillary! Hillary!” She graciously announced her support for Sen. Barack Obama.

“No way. No how. No McCain,” she said as the crowd wildly cheered. “Barack Obama is my candidate, and he must be our president,” she added.
No silent protests, no boos or insults, the invocation of the spirit of Harriet Tubman and even kind words from Hillary about Michelle. At least outwardly and at least for the moment—it appears as if within the Democratic Party unity has been established.

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