Rev. Jeremiah Wright and The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan embrace as Haki Mahdubuti looks on at the Legacy Awards ceremony.
(Photo: Rashid Muhammad)
At the Legacy Awards ceremony held last night by the Institute of the Black World at the State of the Black World II Conference, among those honored were The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright.
To see both men sitting on the stage together was gratifying and for many of those in attendance, probably surreal. You heard so much about both men during the election cycle as the right wing media tried to use both men to hurt the presidential campaign of Barack H. Obama.
Minister Farrakhan has been demonized by the controlled media for nearly three decades, and Jeremiah Wright got a serious dose of the media's manipulation during this presidential campaign.
These three men will forever be linked when this particular period in the history of Black people is told to future generations. As you know, Pres. Elect Obama had to denounce and reject and repudiate them both but despite that, they are standing strong.
After graciously thanking many of those joining him on the stage, Rev. Wright turned to Minister Farrakhan and delivered special words of thanks and appreciation on behalf of Black people.
“One of many things that the media got angry about back in April is that I would not let them tell me who my friends were, and because the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is a friend of mine,” said Rev. Wright adding that during the controversy, the Fruit of Islam provided security for him others Nation of Islam members, specifically Jamil Muhammad and Akbar Muhammad stood in support of him.
“And while they were using me as the whipping boy, they were waiting on him (Farrakhan) to say anything. Anything. He held his peace in order that Barack might be our president. My brother, we owe a debt of gratitude that we can never repay.”
The two men then stood, embraced as the crowd of about 400 cheered wildly. Rev. Wright went further into his thoughts and feelings about the presidential election and Barack H. Obama's historic victory in an exclusive interview that I conducted with him shortly after the awards ceremony.
Others present and receiving awards were revolutionary poet Sonia Sanchez, publisher and author Susan Taylor, Haki Mahdubuti, Dr. Maulauna Karenga, activist Willie "Mukasa" Ricks and Dr. Adelaide Sanford.
This great event is history and I hope to hear more on the extensive interview with Jeremiah Wright and others in the near future. How can we get more of this information out to the people so that they are well informed on the unification taking place despite the wickedness of the enemy, that seeks to keep us ignorant and divided?
Thank you.
Our people should have been out in great numbers at this event!
Thank you for your comments. The first thing that we have to do is continue to spread the word via the internet in emails, blogs listservs etc. Send relevant links to your friends, co-workers etc.
Next, we have to support those news outlets and organizations that have demonstrated their long term commitment to the restoration of our people.
While I would have liked to have seen more of our people present at SOBWC II, I think it is important to remember that this kind of event cannot be judged solely on the numbers in attendance.
Never underestimate the power of a few committed individuals with similar worldviews to make radical change. Change starts with you, and removing the veil of ignorance begins by staying informed.
Why would my Brothers, Louis FARRAKHAN and JEREMIAH Wright, forever be linked?
Could it be that it is because they are 'THE TWO WITNESSES', 'THE TWO OLIVE TREES' in the Book Of Revelation chapter 11, in the Bible?
Maybe so.
Thank you for blogging Brother Ashahed.
PEACE Be Unto You.
emma (in MARYland)
Never underestimate the power that ALLAH, my CREATOR, can bestow upon just 'TWO GENERALS' (Louis FARRAKHAN and JEREMIAH Wright) who LOVE ALMIGHTY GOD and want to do The WILL of ALMIGHTY GOD, my CREATOR.
May ALMIGHTY GOD, ALLAH, always guide them in ALLAH's Path Of RIGHTEOUSNESS. In the Name of CHRIST Jesus, I do pray. Amen.
emma (in MARYland)
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