
Neo-Cointelpro: An Assault on Black Leadership (FinalCall.com)

You've heard all of the disinformation, misinformation and surface coverage regarding the recently disclosed improperly gathered intel and subsequently disseminated information focused on the Nation of Islam. Now, get deep into it.

- "Nation of Islam Targeted by Neo-Cointelpro Operation"
An in depth cover story by the FCN Editor-in-Chief, Richard B. Muhammad, Senior Correspondent Askia Muhammad and Assistant Editor Ashahed M. Muhammad

- "Pressure on Guinea Coup Leaders Increases"
An international affairs analysis by Brian E. Muhammad

- Islamic Leader from Libya visits Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.
Coverage of the visit by Dr. Ibrahim Rabu of the World Islamic Call Society of Libya, as well as a One-on-One interview

- "The Story of Mary, Joseph and Jesus" by The Hon. Elijah Muhammad

- "Mentoring: From a Tree in an African Village, to a Street Corner in the 'hoods of America" by A. Akbar Muhammad

.....and much much more!


U.S. DHS & "improper" intel gathering on the Nation of Islam

By now, you have all heard about the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's "improper" intel gathering and dissemination on the Nation of Islam led by the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan. The "mainstream" media's reporting got part of the story right, but they are missing major components that most individuals viewing the news will probably miss. I will deal with those in future writings currently being worked on to appear at a later date.



Especially pay attention to the first two FBI files, because though written in the late 60s, the reports use the same language that we read in the documents released by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. This is very important. 40 years later, same playbook Then, the other National Security Council Memorandum that deals with preventing a linkage of Blacks in the U.S. with the struggle of oppressed people worldwide, including Africa and the Middle East.

Information and its proper use is power.


The Nation of Islam & U.S. Government Counterintelligence Program (FBI File Date: 08-25-1967) The purpose of this new counterintelligence endeavor is to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of black nationalist, hate-type organizations and groupings, their leadership, spokesmen, membership, and supporters. http://www.noi.org/cointelpro/fbi1.html

The Nation of Islam & U.S. Government Counterintelligence Program (FBI File Date: 01-07-1969) The NOI appears to be the personal fiefdom of Elijah Muhammad. When he dies a power struggle can be expected and the NOI could change direction. We should be prepared for this eventuality. We should plan how to change the philosophy of the NOI. http://www.noi.org/cointelpro/fbi2.html

The Untold Story of COINTELPRO -Past and Present One of the foremost websites that documents the FBI's Counter Intelligence Program in America. http://www.cointel.org/ National Security Council Memorandum-46 Black Africa and the U.S. Black Movement March 17, 1978
Internal NSA Memo (Pres. Carter Administration) on preventing the organizing and coordinated unity between Black America and Black Africa. http://www.noi.org/cointelpro/Memorandum46_1978.htm



Anti terror laws produce new crisis for Black leadership http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/National_News_2/article_6657.shtml



Former FBI agent becomes vocal critic of bureau's lack of accountability http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/National_News_2/article_6631.shtml


Analysis Of The Provisions Of The USA PATRIOT Act (Electronic Frontier Foundation) http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/National_News_2/article_6631.shtml

Nation of Islam Responds to the attack on America Mosque Maryam Chicago, IL. Sunday, September 16, 2001 Press Conference: The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan http://www.noi.org/statements/transcript_010916.htm


U.S. Federal Government sets up daughter of Malcolm X in Farrakhan Assassination Plot http://mediafilter.org/MFF/S35.Shabazz.html

And for those who want to get all the information, on the level of like a professor, go here and read these files as fast as you can before they are taken down.


The Final Call UK/International Edition Vol. 29-10 (FinalCall.com)

The Cover of The Final Call UK/International Edition Volume 29-10

Here are some brief UK/International news items of relevance.

Anti-Muslim graffiti found on French mosque

CASTRES, France—Police say assailants have scrawled a Nazi slogan and hung pig feet on a mosque in southern France.

Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux has denounced the “vile and racist desecration” of the mosque in the town of Castres. Police say the swastika in black paint and slogans including Hitler salute “Sieg Heil” in German, “France to the French” in French, and “White Power” in English were scrawled on the mosque.

Hortefeux said any person found responsible for the overnight desecration should be “severely punished.”
Assailants sporadically scrawl anti-Muslim or anti-Semitic graffiti on religious sites, cultural centers and cemeteries in France—home to western Europe’s largest populations of both Muslims and Jews.


UK’s Ministry of Defense plans helicopter purchase

LONDONBritain will buy 22 new Chinook helicopters from Boeing Co. to help troops in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defense said Dec. 15.

The announcement comes before Defense Secretary Bob Ainsworth is set to outline cuts in other parts of the military’s budget to make concessions for Afghan operations.

“Our forces on the frontline in Afghanistan repeatedly tell me that Chinook are indispensable on operations,” Ainsworth said. “I am therefore delighted to announce plans to deliver more of these robust, effective and proven battle-winning helicopters.”

Britain’s military has been dogged by critics complaining that the nation’s troops have been deployed without adequate equipment. That criticism has been particularly sharp over helicopters, which give troops mobility and allow them to avoid the risk of roadside bombs.

The purchase will increase the size of Britain’s fleet of the heavy-lift helicopters from 48 to 70.

The Chinook purchase was announced just ahead of a sweeping series of cutbacks aimed at shifting resources to Afghanistan. At least one Royal Air Force base is reportedly set for closure, among administrative and military police cutbacks.


Swiss deny entry to controversial Muslim preacher

BASEL, SwitzerlandSwiss border control say they have refused entry to a controversial Muslim preacher because he poses a public security risk.

Pierre Vogel intended to speak at a demonstration in the Swiss capital Bern that organizers say is in response to a “hate campaign” against Muslims in Switzerland.

The German former professional boxer who converted to Islam is known for his conservative positions.

Frontier corps spokesman Markus Zumbach says Vogel was turned back as he tried to cross into Switzerland by car from Germany last week.


Poll: UK Labour party narrowing oppositions lead

LONDONAn opinion poll indicates that Britain’s ruling Labour party is gaining ground on the main opposition Conservatives.

An ICM poll for the Guardian newspaper published Dec. 15 puts Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s Labour party at 31 percent, nine points behind the Conservative party.

A poll released last month by another firm, Ipsos Mori, put Labour just six points behind the Conservatives—though most other recent polls have shown a Conservative lead with about 14 points.

Britain must hold a national election by June. British newspapers speculate Brown will call an election in March to take advantage of his increasing popularity.

(Compiled from Associated Press reports.)

Obama: The Imperialist's President By William Reed (Guest Blogger)

By William Reed

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. – Palms 22:7

In a defining decision, Barack Obama has accepted responsibility for the War in Afghanistan, announcing deployment of 30,000 additional troops in the hopes of bringing the deteriorating war, in its ninth year there, to an acceptable conclusion.

Snookered by establishment powers, President Obama ignores the truth and has embarked on a fool’s errand. The U.S. cannot “win” in Afghanistan. It has a history of being “graveyard of empires.” America was already losing when Obama took office. President Obama backed into the realm of empire in March 2009 and ordered 30,000 troops there. But, rather than reverse outcomes, U.S. and NATO forces lost even more ground. The entrenched military/industrial complex is all around Obama and behind the beguiling that got him to order troop levels in Afghanistan to an all-time high. Obama’s obedience to policies extending American authority and economic and political hegemony follows a pattern of American Presidents’ acquiescence to a ruling class agenda for endless war and ongoing repression. No matter who, every President of the United States is committed to open-ended deployment in Afghanistan and unbending alliance with Israel.”

Obedient to established structures, Obama is in league with policies to allow America to carry out capitalist globalization at gunpoint. The imperial powers’ mindset Barack has bought into allows for policing to the ends of the earth. For the multi-trillion dollar American military/industrial/complex there is always another enemy, and threat. Obama’s agenda seems eerily similar to core elements of a doctrine articulated in the Bush National Security Strategy (2002) which declared American-defined “values of freedom are right and true for every person, in every society” … and that an overarching goal of U.S. policy is creating “a balance of power that favors freedom,” and the spread of “free markets, and free trade to every corner of the world.”

Obama is now on-board to make cases for America’s military superiority and right to wage preemptive war. Fifty-percent of Americans oppose escalating war in Afghanistan. But, the Generals, Admirals, armaments executives, and now the White House, are unwilling to accept responsibility for a military setback. Bush and Cheney ordered the invasion thinking it would be easy going. They were going to wipe out the governments in Iran, Syria and North Korea. Bush and Cheney’s colonial-like fantasy, now held by Obama, is nourished by “great nation” arrogance and a caste of corrupt politicians in Congress. Afghans perceive the occupation as a colonial-takeover of their country. After eight years of war, more Afghan armed insurgent groups now exist in response to America’s invasion and they control large parts of the country.

Under Obama, the institutions of militarism, war and empire remain intact. His new plan for empire calls for more bombing and drone attacks, and “Afghanization” – the building up of a puppet Afghan army trained and led by U.S. commanders. This follows his escalation of illegal bombings in Pakistan. This war has gone very badly. How many more will have to die for the U.S. to avoid the appearance of defeat? The American Empire is deep in a domestic economic crisis. As Americans suffer from unemployment, foreclosures and evictions; the current cost of the wars and occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq is running at over $225 billion per year or $1.2 billion every two days. The powerful chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, David Obey says sending more troops would be a mistake that could "wipe out every initiative we have to rebuild our own economy…There ain't going to be no money for nothing if we pour it all into Afghanistan."

The “Empire” continues, prolonging the plight of the African American population. At this stage, Blacks are no better off than they were under Bush. Blacks got nothing from “Stimulus” programs. The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is right in criticizing Obama for not doing enough to help African-Americans in the economy. Speaking for the CBC, Maxine Waters said “We can no longer afford for our public policy to be defined by the worldview of Wall Street.”

(More of William Reed's writings can be found at www.BlackPressInternational.com)


Intense Scrutiny, Little Sympathy for Black Athletes in the Spotlight (FinalCall.com)


In this issue of The Final Call you will find the following:

- Moving Targets: Stereotypes, the media and Black athletes who get in trouble
Tiger Woods, Michael Vick, Serena Williams. Is there a double standard when it comes to Black athletes and their treatment by the media and society when they are found guilty of "transgressions" or unsportsmanlike conduct?

- Coverage of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's visit to Libya where he addressed the 5th Session of the World Islamic People's Leadership Conference in Libya Nov. 5-8.

- An analysis by FCN Contributing Writer Brian Muhammad of Pres. Barack H. Obama's Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize and the contradictions and controversy surrounding the decision.

- Harnessing Black Buying Power
John and Maggie Anderson are nearing the completion of a one-year campaign to purchase items from only Black businesses. Their efforts were met with praise and criticism. Learn more about their campaign and what you can do to help.

- Salim Muhammad: Remembering a servant and a soldier
Coverage of the recent passing of Captain Salim Muhammad. Minister Farrakhan conducted the Janazah prayer service which drew Muslims from all over the Nation. He will be missed.

And much much more!


Sins of the Fathers: Catholic Church Accused of Denying Justice to Black Victims of Sexual Abuse by Priests (FinalCall.com)


In this issue of The Final Call, you will find the following:

"Sins of The Fathers" Part 1
The Catholic Church has been accused of denial of justice in covering up cases of Black victims of sexual abuse by priests.

"From Peacemaker to War President"
Analysts see problems with President Obama's recently announced plan for Afghanistan.

"Activists Accuse Israel of Racial Profiling"
The case of Dhoruba Bin Wahad and Naji Mujahid who were recently detained by Israeli soldiers.

....and much more!


The Final Call Newspaper in the United Kingdom!

(Cover from the FCN UK/International Edition, Vol. 29 #8)

What's going on in the United Kingdom?

The volume of email from the United Kingdom is increasing, which clearly comes as a result of our UK/International edition, which also reaches Africa and the West Indies. Here are some news briefs from "across the pond."

British man fights extradition in KBR bribe case
LONDONA British lawyer accused in the United States of helping a former Halliburton Co. subsidiary bribe Nigerian officials for construction projects has begun his fight against extradition in a London court.
Federal prosecutors in Houston, Texas say 61-year-old Jeffrey Tesler helped steer bribe money from Kellogg, Brown & Root LLC to officials of the Nigerian government to win more than $6 billion in contracts.
Tesler's lawyer argued that he should not be extradited because the alleged crimes did not have a substantial link to the U.S. Attorney Bill Clegg says Tesler operated from London, through a company registered in Gibraltar, and the alleged bribes were paid into Swiss bank accounts.

Thatcher sweeps back to Downing Street
LONDON—Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is returning to London's Downing Street for good—in the form of a portrait installed at the country's official leader's residence.Thatcher, the British leader from 1979 to 1990, joined Prime Minister Gordon Brown and David Cameron, a successor to Thatcher as Conservative Party leader, at Downing Street on Nov. 23 to unveil the work.
Brown's spokesman Simon Lewis says artist Richard Stone's painting will be displayed in a first floor lobby.
Thatcher is the first living lawmaker to be honored with a portrait at Downing Street. Photographs of all modern prime ministers line the residence's main staircase, but only two ex-leaders have portraits on display: Winston Churchill and David Lloyd George.

UK police refer 4 British lawmakers to prosecutors
LONDONBritish police say they've referred the cases of four of the country's lawmakers to prosecutors after an investigation into lavish expenses claimed by some members of Parliament.
Revelations that lawmakers manipulated expense rules to spend thousands of pounds on home improvements outraged voters and raised questions over the legality of some of lawmakers' financial dealings.
Scotland Yard said Nov. 23that evidence relating to four unidentified members of both of Britain's Houses of Parliament have been sent to prosecutors.
It was not immediately clear whether Britain's Crown Prosecution Service would press charges against the lawmakers named in the files. A call seeking comment from the service was not immediately returned.

New Book Identifies 500 Most Influential Muslims

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A new book listing the 500 most influential Muslims has just been released by The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center (in Jordan) in concert with Georgetown University’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, reports The Muslim Observer. The book recognizes scholars, women, youth, philanthropists, scientists, as well as leading figures in the arts and media. Seventy-two Muslims from the United States and thirty-two from the United Kingdom made the list. The book is available online to view in its entirety at http://www.rissc.johttp://www.rissc.jo/.

(Compiled from the Associated Press and other online news services.)


A Kwame Kilpatrick interview snippet

This picture was taken right before we began the interview on Nov. 4, 2009. It was the first interview Mr. Kilpatrick had granted since leaving office in late 2008. (Photo: Tim Sixx)

A Snippet of My Interview with the former Mayor of Detroit, Kwame Malik Kilpatrick


Imam Luqman A. Abdullah's son Omar Regan speaks at Nov. 5 demonstration

Filled with emotion, Omar Regan, Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah’s 34-year-old son, challenged the media to tell the truth about who his father really was and challenged law enforcement to reflect on their own humanity at a rally in front of the McNamara Federal Building in Detroit, MI on Nov. 5. Another of the imam's sons, Jamil Carswell looks on. (Photo Ashahed M. Muhammad)

Listen to his comments here:

Feel free to download to your iPod or share the file and/or link with others.


Obama's Presidency: Living Up To The Promise? (FinalCall.com)

The latest edition of The Final Call asks the question: "What Happened to Hope?"

In this edition, you will find the following:

- The latest information on the alleged gang-rape of a 15-year old White girl in Richmond, CA, with comments from some high school students who are classmates of the alleged victim.

- The latest information regarding the case of Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah who was gunned down by the FBI last week during a raid on a warehouse just outside of Detroit, MI.

- A One-on-One interview with the UK representative of the Nation of Islam, Hilary Muhammad.

Native American Elder, Chief Arvol Looking Horse speaks concerning the deaths in Sedona, AZ, along with YoNasDa LoneWolf's perspective on the misuse of the sacred sweat lodge ceremony.

....and much, much more!


Queen YoNasDa's Debut "God.Love & Music" - You've heard nothing like it.


Pronounced (Yo-Naja-Ha)

Queen YoNasDa (pronounced Yo-Naja-Ha) is the epitome of energy as a hip hop artist, curator, and activist. Without a doubt, there is an imbalance occurring in hip hop where female emcees have been silenced. Her strong presence is bringing femcees with a message back to the forefront of music. Her musical style encompasses an eclectic mix of wisdom, grooves, catchy hooks, and is sure to reach the masses.

"I'm not here to beat people in the head with a sermon, I'm here to tell the truth," she said. This lyrical queen has completed her debut album, "God.Love and Music" featuring Cappadonna, Dr. Ben Chavis Muhammad, Keith Murray, M-Eighty and others with production by Cookin Soul, New York West, CR Productions, K-Boog and others. She speaks and performs across the United States promoting unity, education and respect for all cultures. With roots reaching back to Native American tradition and the Nation of Islam, where her mother, a Lakota (Sioux) and her father, a hustler and a fine artist hailing from Brooklyn, this queen knows the blues all to well, but never let it dampen her spirits.

The two met in 1975 during the time in which her mother worked as a public relations director for Muhammad Ali. Shortly afterwards the two met they got married. YoNasDa was born during the historic moment of “The Longest Walk,” which took place in protest to anti- Indian legislation. Her mother, Oglala-Lakota participated in the 3,000-mile trek which began at San Francisco Bays Alcatraz Island and culminated on the White House grounds.

YoNasDa was conceived there in Washington, D.C, April 1978, one of only two children born during this historic journey and a place that would later become for her a Mecca of sorts.

Due to her father's hustling, it led to his imprisonment and a aiding and abetting charge for her mother, who served time in a Fort Worth, Texas, prison. During this time Minister Louis Farrakhan stepped in, moved YoNasDa and her brother to Chicago, adopting them into his family. "Without Minister Farrakhan or grandpa as I call him, and the whole Farrakhan family, my brother and I would've been caught up in the foster care system. I can't even imagine the woman I would have been if it wasn't for the Farrakhan family. God is beautiful in his design,” she reflects so candidly.

As a young child YoNasDa stood by her mother’s and grandfather's side speaking to the hip hop nation. She takes her responsibility seriously by using her music as a mouth piece to educate and uplift young people. As a mother she sees what music can do and understands the power of the spoken word. YoNasDa has a mission and is going full throttle. She is the national director for the Indigenous Nations Alliance. This truth-teller is a published writer who has a column in the Final Call Newspaper and is now bringing her artistry to the world. To YoNasDa "Queen" is not just a word, it is a calling and she's rising to the occasion. Visit her on line at www.queenyonasda.com.

The Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War has begun their conference in Malaysia

The Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War, led by Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, has kicked off their three day conference.
Featured speakers during the event which runs 10/28 through 10/31 include:

- British MP & leader of the Viva Palestina human rights movement George Galloway

- Former U.S. member of Congress & outspoken human rights activist Cynthia McKinney

- Former UN Assistant Secretary General Denis Haliday

Extensive coverage of the conference can be found at:



America's Celebrity Obsessed Culture is examined in this week's Final Call


America's celebrity obsessed culture is examined in this week's edition of The Final Call.


My Reflections on the Million Man March & Holy Day of Atonement

I was at the Million Man March in Washington D.C. on October 16, 1995. It was one of the greatest days of my life, and an experience that I will never forget.

As I reflect on the the wonderful spirit of that day, I am reminded of how hopeful and inspired I felt on that day, along with many others. I know there are some that would say that there was no programmatic thrust or agenda, and those people see it from their perspective. Their minds may be dominated by a particular socio-political leaning or some other type of ideology, but to me that is not what the day should be judged by. In fact, the day should not be judged at all, it should be remembered as a powerful demonstration of unity and brotherhood that has never been seen on the planet.

Thank you Minister Farrakhan.

The Million Man March had a special meaning to me, because in a little over a month, my first child, a daughter would be born. I promised God on that day, that I would always be in my daughter's life as a provider, protector and guide. Then, five years later I was blessed with a son, which gave me with the opportunity to continue to make my word bond. Those beautiful children are blessings from God, and wonderfully effective reminders of the promise I made to Him on that day.

Another memorable aspect of the Million Man March involves the wonderful acts kindness demonstrated by those who opened their homes for people to stay there during the Million Man March and those who cooked food for the Black men who made the pilgrimage. Those stories are everywhere!

I always think about the good brother in Phoenix, who was unable to attend the Million Man March himself, but gave me a plane ticket to Washington D.C., so I did not have to buy one. That act alone is a good example of the powerful spirit that was generated by the idea of the Million Man March. That brother...he knows who he is...I always pray that he will receive continuous blessings as a result of that act of kindness. I am sure that there are hundreds, if not thousands of stories similar to my own.

I also want to take the time to remember and thank the Black Women who supported us, encouraged us, and worked to make the Million Man March and Holy Day of Atonement a success. It could not have been done without the Black Woman.

Thank you Black Woman.

The Holy Day of Atonement is now a part of our reality and we must continue to make good on the pledge we gave that day. Obviously, if you look around at the conditions that exist within our communities, there is still work to do, but as long as we are alive, let's be found striving to make our word bond. It is time to fulfill the prophecy written of in Isaiah 61:4.

So, as I type this from my hotel room in Memphis, Tennessee as we prepare to commemorate the 14th anniversary of the Million Man March and Day of Atonement, let the spirit drive us to do the work.

By the way, anyone who speaks out negatively against the Million Man March, or in some way attempts to downplay and diminish its importance is displaying the characteristics of one who is an enemy to the Black Nation.


Obama: A Nobel Peace Prize, Health Care, Afghanistan &... LGBTs???

At the same time President Obama is being honored after winning the Nobel Peace Prize, he is dealing with an inherited military conflict in Afghanistan which appears to be dragging his administration further into an increasingly expensive foreign war at a time when the domestic economy is in a disastrous free fall.

Ironically, continued conflict in Afghanistan threatens to further inflame world opinion perhaps squandering much of the good will generated after Obama's election, which resulted in him winning the prestigious award in the first place.

On the foreign policy front, drug lords, warlords, death and corruption are still the order of the day in Afghanistan and the presidential election results are still unknown. There are still deadly bombings occurring daily in parts of Iraq and he has failed to persuade America's "sacrosanct" partner Israel to stop creating barriers to peace and to put down their bloody and paralyzing weapons.

On the domestic front, in the midst of partisan rancor and despite the photo op involving doctors on the White House lawn last week, Obama's fight for health care reform is far from over.

And did I mention his promised closure of Guantanamo Bay? Despite Obama saying it would be closed by the end of January 2010, Army Brigadier General Timothy Lake was just named the new deputy commander of the U.S. joint military force that runs the prison which holds over 220 suspected terrorists. He was given a one-year term. You do the math.

With all that being said, clearly President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize was a very significant symbolic act marking the end of the punishing eight years of the Bush, Cheney, Rove administration. In fact, it is obvious to most that the award was really a reward for the fact that we survived!

While these are all very important points of discussion and vigorous debate, this writing was motivated by something other than those news items. While watching CNN, I happened to catch a speech delivered by President Obama to a prominent LBGT umbrella group on October 10, in Washington DC.

I found it troubling that during a portion of the speech, he appeared to create a moral equivalence between those involved in the LGBT rights effort and those active in the Civil Rights movement.

Under pressure from the militant gay rights lobby to move faster to fulfill some of his campaign promises, President Obama reiterated that his support for them is "unwavering." They would like to see him move quicker to repeal the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy of the military and to institute reforms in the area of same-sex unions. They are not same-sex "marriages." The Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 signed into law by then President Bill Clinton defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. He got that one right.

Going back to the speech, President Obama said it was not his position to tell LGBT rights advocates in 2009 to be patient any more than it was the responsibility of the president to tell others to be patient during the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's.

All free-thinkers knowledgeable of civic engagement and history should find that to be a faulty statement.

There is no parallel comparison to be drawn between the two. The push for Civil Rights was a legitimate movement, the other is a special interest group. They should not be juxtaposed.

During the push for Civil Rights, whether you agree with the non-violent methodology in the face of vicious White violence or not, the fact remains that Black people were being beaten, lynched and killed regularly, in many cases, with the sanctioning of corrupt local and federal law enforcement officials and politicians who looked the other way while these crimes against humanity were being committed. There were signs that said "White Only" and "Colored Only" that differentiated where Blacks could eat, shop, ride and live.

Has this been anything close to the reality faced by gays? Has this ever been reported to be a part of the experience of the gay rights activists?

For President Obama, clearly, the honeymoon is over, and the criticism he has faced from the gay rights lobby is another example of that. One of the problems with politicians in the American political system is that they attempt to be all things to all people.

I realize that number one is a hard spot and Barack Obama's election has impacted the world on many different levels. That much is undeniable. It remains to be seen what type of discussion we will have three to six months from now when people will really be questioning whether the "change" that represented so much "hope" was really just "hype."

(Ashahed M. Muhammad is an author, researcher and the director of the Truth Establishment Institute.)


Atty. General Eric Holder on Youth Violence in Chicago and the Nation

(Photo: Leila Khaled)


Location: City Hall Building in Chicago, Illinois

October 7, 2009

Nearly two weeks ago, this nation was shocked by a video showing scenes of such graphic violence that they have left an indelible mark in the mind of every American who has seen them. For the many Americans who live with the threat of violence every day, the video was a sad reminder of the harshness and cruelty that remains all too prevalent in many parts of this country. For others, it was a stark wake up call to a reality that can be easy for many to ignore as they go about their day to day lives.

For me, it was a call to action to address a challenge that affects the entire nation. Youth violence isn't a Chicago problem, any more than it is a black problem or a white problem. It's something that affects communities big and small, and people of all races and colors.

The Department of Justice is releasing a new study today that measures the effects of youth violence in America, and the results are staggering. More than 60 percent of the children surveyed were exposed to violence in the past year, either directly or indirectly. Nearly half of children and adolescents were assaulted at least once, and more than one in ten were injured as a result. Nearly one-quarter were the victim of a robbery, vandalism or theft, and one in sixteen were victimized sexually.

Those numbers are astonishing, and they are unacceptable. We simply cannot stand for an epidemic of violence that robs our youth of their childhood and perpetuates a cycle in which today's victims become tomorrow's criminals.

We're here today to continue a public safety conversation that the Obama Administration started on day one. It has included a law enforcement summit I hosted at the Department of Justice, a White House gang prevention conference, and countless episodes of collaboration with local law enforcement. But it's not a conversation where we want to do all the talking. We want to listen to educators, parents, and experts in the field, and find out the best ideas for addressing this urgent problem. We're not interested in just scratching the surface or focusing on generalities, and as we delve into this problem we're not going to protect any sacred cows. We're here to learn firsthand what's happening on our streets so we can devise effective solutions.

Our responses to this issue in the past have been fragmented. The federal government does one thing, states do another, and localities do a third. We need a comprehensive, coordinated approach to address youth violence, one that encompasses the latest research and the freshest approaches. Our administration is committed to implementing such strategies, which is why we've asked for $24 million in next year's budget for community-based crime prevention programs such as Ceasefire and Project Safe Neighborhood. And it's why our Office of Justice Programs is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide support and assistance to communities affected by violence.

There are no quick and easy fixes. Our approach will need to involve not just law enforcement, but also faith-based organizations, the business community, and social services groups. We will need a combination of prevention, intervention, and targeted enforcement.

We started by meeting today with community leaders here in Chicago, and with students from Fenger High School. I'll be honest - these weren't all easy conversations. There is a lot of frustration and a lot of pain right now, and there should be. The status quo is not acceptable. But I want the people of Chicago and the people of this nation to know that we are not going to rest until we've done everything we can to protect the American people and to stem this tide of violence.

The Department of Justice has already committed resources to helping keep our children and our schools safe. Just last week we announced $16 million through the COPS' Secure Our Schools program in grants to law enforcement agencies and municipalities throughout the country, including almost half a million to the city of Chicago. These grants provide funds to improve security in schools and on school grounds by helping pay for security measures like metal detectors, locks, surveillance systems and other equipment to help deter crime. These are first steps, and we will do more.

I've talked to the President about this, and he is firmly committed to this issue, as are Secretary Duncan and I. So today is the continuation of what is a sustained, national effort on behalf of this entire administration to address youth violence and to make our streets safe for everyone.



Our Black Youth & Violence: They Are Not Beyond Redemption (FinalCall.com)


Here is just some of what is contained in this issue of The Final Call:

- Exclusive on the ground coverage of the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of 16-year-old honor student Derrion Albert, and his funeral.

- An Exclusive One-on-One interview with The REAL Rick Ross
by FCN Western Regional Correspondent Charlene Muhammad.

- "FOX's New Minstrel Show: The Cleveland's"
A perspective from guest columnist Jasmyne A. Cannick.

- Coverage of the Africa-South America Summit featuring Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi and Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez.

And much more!
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Coverage of the 64th UN General Assembly (FinalCall.com)


U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama's first address to the UN General Assembly on, U.S., he told world leaders that he was aware of the expectations that accompanied his Presidency – rooted in a discontent with a status quo that had allowed people to be increasingly defined by their differences and outpaced by their problems.

Leader of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Col. Muammar Gadhafi's first appearance before the United Nations General Assembly.

Al Jazeera Interview with Col. Muammar Gadhafi
Col. Gadhafi answered questions regarding his UN speech, the African Union, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and other topics.

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed to the United Nations General Assembly on September 23, 2009. Among the topics addressed were the evils of "unbridled capitalism"the end of the age of empires and the continued oppression against the Palestinian people.

Venezuelan President Hugo Rafael Chávez delivered a spirited address at the 2009 United Nations General Assembly. The popular Venezuelan leader outlined his thoughts on the recent coup in Honduras and the global "ideological warfare currently under way."

Gambia's President Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh addressed the United Nations General Assembly on September 24, 2009. He expressed the relevancy of global collaboration but condemned the exploitation of Africa's natural resources by multinational corporations in the name of globalization. He stated that the UN must come to the rescue of Africa otherwise we Africans stand ready to liberate ourselves from eternal bondage at any cost.