
Intense Scrutiny, Little Sympathy for Black Athletes in the Spotlight (FinalCall.com)


In this issue of The Final Call you will find the following:

- Moving Targets: Stereotypes, the media and Black athletes who get in trouble
Tiger Woods, Michael Vick, Serena Williams. Is there a double standard when it comes to Black athletes and their treatment by the media and society when they are found guilty of "transgressions" or unsportsmanlike conduct?

- Coverage of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's visit to Libya where he addressed the 5th Session of the World Islamic People's Leadership Conference in Libya Nov. 5-8.

- An analysis by FCN Contributing Writer Brian Muhammad of Pres. Barack H. Obama's Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize and the contradictions and controversy surrounding the decision.

- Harnessing Black Buying Power
John and Maggie Anderson are nearing the completion of a one-year campaign to purchase items from only Black businesses. Their efforts were met with praise and criticism. Learn more about their campaign and what you can do to help.

- Salim Muhammad: Remembering a servant and a soldier
Coverage of the recent passing of Captain Salim Muhammad. Minister Farrakhan conducted the Janazah prayer service which drew Muslims from all over the Nation. He will be missed.

And much much more!

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