
The Passing of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, age 74

Dr. Ivan Van Sertima

The Black nation is saddened by the loss of our great author, researcher and scholar, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima.

The Guyana Cultural Association New York Inc. /Guyana Folk Festival committee announced on May 28, the passing of Dr. Van Sertima, a former professor of the University of Rutgers and an important son of Guyana’s soil, born January 26, 1935.

The funeral is on Saturday, May 30 at the historic Riverside Church in NY located at 490 Riverside Drive, New York, New York 10027. Call 212-870-6700 for information.

If you are able to be in the area, you should pay respects to one of our legendary scholar-warriors.

(The Riverside Church is located on Manhattan’s Upper West Side near Columbia University. The church covers a two-block area extending from Riverside Drive to Claremont Avenue and between 120th Street and 122nd Street.)

1 comment:

isavakoya said...

Peace and Blessings to Mwalimu Mkuu Ivan Van Sertima.I never met him, but like many others I have learned to tune in to their spirit and am starting to have a better understanding of who these great men are.When he passed I was still working on a documentary that I wanted to dedicate to him!I know many are spritually bleeding and a sign of his passing is that this hurricane season is gonna be no joke!!!