
4 Years Later: Hurricane Katrina's Aftermath - The Final Call

It is a hard subject to discuss that makes many feel uncomfortable, however, The Final Call's Jesse Muhammad has steadfastly reported on the plight of those affected by the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, which forever changed the lives of many on August 29, 2005.

Highlights in this issue include:

- Fasting Strengthens Discipline, an article by the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan as the Muslim world observes the Holy Month of Ramadan.

-A One-on-One interview with the new National Chairman of the National Black United Front, Kofi Taharka.

-Michael Vick Has Paid His Dues, an insightful column by veteran journalist George Curry

- The story of a serial killer who has targeted Black women on the West Coast for over 20 years!


Are you a subscriber? If not, what are you waiting for? Subscribe today!


White Rage: Militias Rise Again in America - The Final Call

Highlights from this issue include:

- A One-on-One interview with entertainer Steve Harvey.

- An Analysis of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton's trip to Africa.

- A Tribute to the life and legacy of the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey.


Sister Ava Muhammad's profound message on August 9th at Mosque Maryam.

Minister Ava Muhammad speaking on the subject "A New Educational Paradigm" at Mosque Maryam on Sunday, August 9th 2009. The message was viewed natiowide via webcast.
(Photo:Ashahed M. Muhammad)

Sister Minister Ava Muhammad delivered an insightful and thought-provoking message on Sunday, August 9th at Mosque Maryam, in Chicago, IL.

Those of you present in Chicago to see and hear her in person, what were your thoughts? What are you going to study or look into as a result of her words?

Those of you who may have viewed via internet webcast, what are some critical points she made that stood out in your mind?

Those of you who did not have the opportunity to hear her, or those interested in hearing her message again, did you know that you can go to store.finalcall.com to order it on CD or DVD?


Steve Harvey reads The Final Call. Do you?

Steve Harvey is a regular reader of The Final Call.
(Photo: Timothy 6X)

Today (August 7) I had the great pleasure of interviewing entertainer, radio host and author Steve Harvey here in Chicago at the Harold Washington Cultural Center in Bronzeville. He is participating in the 2009 Bud Billiken Day Parade on Saturday, August 8th. Bud Billiken is the largest annual Black back-to-school celebration in the nation.

I asked him about his mentoring program recently featured on CNN, and some other things that you'll read about once the forthcoming interview is published. We had some good laughs!

Steve Harvey reads The Final Call. Do you?


White Right Continues to Attack Obama

The White Right Wing led by "The Birther" movement and others in the media such as Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are continuing to attack Pres. Barack H. Obama.

What are your thoughts on why? Will they ever leave this alone?

Some highlights from this issue include:

- Coverage of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's outreach to the street organizations and inmates in Bermuda as well as his meeting with 3 Uighur nationalists who were freed from Guantanamo Bay and resettled in Bermuda.

- An interview with the National Urban League's President and CEO Marc Morial.

All that is in the current issue and much much more....