Minister Ava Muhammad speaking on the subject "A New Educational Paradigm" at Mosque Maryam on Sunday, August 9th 2009. The message was viewed natiowide via webcast.
(Photo:Ashahed M. Muhammad)
Sister Minister Ava Muhammad delivered an insightful and thought-provoking message on Sunday, August 9th at Mosque Maryam, in Chicago, IL.
Those of you present in Chicago to see and hear her in person, what were your thoughts? What are you going to study or look into as a result of her words?
Those of you who may have viewed via internet webcast, what are some critical points she made that stood out in your mind?
Those of you who did not have the opportunity to hear her, or those interested in hearing her message again, did you know that you can go to store.finalcall.com to order it on CD or DVD?
I enjoyed Sister Ava Muhammad's message so much I sent a copy to my Sisterfriends. I hope they enjoy as much as I did.
I am trying to find a copy of Minister Ava Muhammad's 1997 book, Queen of the Planet Earth, for the theological library where I work. I would appreciate any information or assistance you could offer.
I can be reached at monographs@hds.harvard.edu.
Thank you.
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