Neo-Cointelpro: An Assault on Black Leadership (FinalCall.com)
U.S. DHS & "improper" intel gathering on the Nation of Islam
The Final Call UK/International Edition Vol. 29-10 (FinalCall.com)
Here are some brief UK/International news items of relevance.
Anti-Muslim graffiti found on French mosque
CASTRES, France—Police say assailants have scrawled a Nazi slogan and hung pig feet on a mosque in southern
The announcement comes before Defense Secretary Bob Ainsworth is set to outline cuts in other parts of the military’s budget to make concessions for Afghan operations.
“Our forces on the frontline in
The purchase will increase the size of
The Chinook purchase was announced just ahead of a sweeping series of cutbacks aimed at shifting resources to
Swiss deny entry to controversial Muslim preacher
Pierre Vogel intended to speak at a demonstration in the Swiss capital
The German former professional boxer who converted to Islam is known for his conservative positions.
Frontier corps spokesman Markus Zumbach says Vogel was turned back as he tried to cross into
An ICM poll for the Guardian newspaper published Dec. 15 puts Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s Labour party at 31 percent, nine points behind the Conservative party.
A poll released last month by another firm, Ipsos Mori, put Labour just six points behind the Conservatives—though most other recent polls have shown a Conservative lead with about 14 points.
(Compiled from Associated Press reports.)
Obama: The Imperialist's President By William Reed (Guest Blogger)
Obama is now on-board to make cases for America’s military superiority and right to wage preemptive war. Fifty-percent of Americans oppose escalating war in Afghanistan. But, the Generals, Admirals, armaments executives, and now the White House, are unwilling to accept responsibility for a military setback. Bush and Cheney ordered the invasion thinking it would be easy going. They were going to wipe out the governments in Iran, Syria and North Korea. Bush and Cheney’s colonial-like fantasy, now held by Obama, is nourished by “great nation” arrogance and a caste of corrupt politicians in Congress. Afghans perceive the occupation as a colonial-takeover of their country. After eight years of war, more Afghan armed insurgent groups now exist in response to America’s invasion and they control large parts of the country.
Intense Scrutiny, Little Sympathy for Black Athletes in the Spotlight (FinalCall.com)
Sins of the Fathers: Catholic Church Accused of Denying Justice to Black Victims of Sexual Abuse by Priests (FinalCall.com)
In this issue of The Final Call, you will find the following:
"Sins of The Fathers" Part 1
The Catholic Church has been accused of denial of justice in covering up cases of Black victims of sexual abuse by priests.
"From Peacemaker to War President"
Analysts see problems with President Obama's recently announced plan for Afghanistan.
"Activists Accuse Israel of Racial Profiling"
The case of Dhoruba Bin Wahad and Naji Mujahid who were recently detained by Israeli soldiers.
....and much more!