Jews & Money: But Foxman Forgot The Blacks!!! by Tingba Muhammad, Guest Blogger
The recently released book by Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith (ADL) has an intriguing title: "Jews and Money: The Story of a Stereotype." It purports to dispel “stereotypes” that suggest that Jews have a unique financial expertise, and further that they use this perceived economic expertise to their own benefit and to the detriment of the gentile.
Interesting timing.
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan released a book in June that illuminated this very same issue titled The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume Two: How Jews Gained Control of the Black American Economy.
With 512-pages of unimpeachable scholarship from the Jewish historical record, it all but guarantees that any subsequent book on the subject has to be titled Jews and Money AND Blacks, and here is why:
In February of 1877, the U.S. government made a momentous decision to forever end the forward progress of the Black man and woman in the United States of America. For 14 years since the end of slavery Whites had watched their former slaves make incredible gains in American society. Emerging from triple darkness, Black people had embraced their newfound freedom and started to aspire to become businesspeople, teachers, doctors and lawyers.
As slaves they had always performed a stunning array of skilled trades as fine craftspeople, artisans, homebuilders, and mechanics. Indeed, Jewish slave dealers Jacob Cohen & Son were publicly advertising Black human beings for sale that were skilled carpenters, pastry cooks, and even engineers. Their ads can be seen along with hundreds of others in the newly released "Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews."
And with these skills and their freedom they moved into critical positions in the U.S. economy. They thirsted for knowledge and development and were educating themselves at a remarkable rate. Black pioneers set up dozens of all-Black towns to concentrate on their own progress away from their angry and vengeful former slavemaster.
Blacks had even gained a measure of political power in Southern society and used that power to enact some progressive legislation that included attempts to end the rampant government corruption, the enactment of better methods of accounting for public funds, the establishment of public schools, and even the repealing of discriminatory legislation against Jews.
Whites were mortified to see their former slave moving so fast and independently and they feared they would soon no longer be able to depend on them for their own survival. They had always believed that Blacks were naturally inferior, and even liberal Whites had predicted that “emancipation” would do little to change the “natural” racial order—that is, Blacks working for Whites. By 1877, the false idea that Blacks could do nothing other than pick cotton was now proved to be dangerously untrue. Blacks were actually in a real position to become the leaders of a new and vastly improved society.
All that positive progress abruptly ended when the White Jewish senator from Louisiana, William M. Levy, walked into the U.S. Senate and warned his fellow lawmakers that all of this unchecked Black progress placed America's “innocent maidens” in imminent peril.
“I hold it my sacred duty,” he said, to save Whites “from the ruin and degradation which threatens them,” and he implored his fellow legislators to act to restore White racial supremacy. It wasn't just Jewish race hatred that motivated this profound and despicable act. Behind Levy's fear-mongering was the realization that the entire economy of the world was based on the uninterrupted flow of cotton from the plantations of the American South. Indeed, cotton was to the world economy what oil is today.
Everyone in the world wanted to be clothed in cotton, and its production was the very basis of the western world's astonishing growth. Black freedom threatened to kill this golden goose, so, in 1877, American Whites decided that they must forcibly return Blacks to the cotton fields.
All around America, a harsh system of repressive racial laws were reestablished from the slavery era and euphemistically called “Jim Crow.” All sectors of White society—North and South—collaborated in this effort, including business, labor unions, religious leaders, the judicial system, the news media, and the political leadership, and together they fashioned an impenetrable web of oppression, wherein, once again, Blacks found themselves with no other option than plantation labor.
The most powerful union leader in America was a Jewish immigrant named Samuel Gompers, and he publicly warned Blacks that “Caucasian civilization will serve notice that its uplifting process is not to be interfered with in any way.” Any Blacks that might escape this incredibly oppressive system encountered the wrath of hooded terrorists ready to lynch and terrorize them.
This is the hidden history of the post-slavery era, yet it is almost entirely wiped from the history books—and all of it emanated from this extraordinary decision made in 1877. So powerful in the history of Black people was the day of that decision—February 26, 1877—that Master Fard Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam, was born into the world ON THAT VERY DAY. It is as if Allah Himself saw that racist decision as the last straw in the White man's wicked rule of the world for the last 6,000 years.
But why did a Jewish senator take it upon himself to push this violently racist and destructive agenda, on the floor of the U.S. Senate? What was in it for the so-called Chosen People of God? (And how, by the way, did a Jew become a senator in one of the most racist places on the planet earth?!) Certainly, their “long history of oppression” would have caused Jews to fight against this demonic 1877 legislation, right? Wrong. And this brings us right back to Abraham Foxman's intriguing title Jews & Money.
At the very same moment in American history that rights were being snatched away from Black citizens, a Mason and devout Jew named Charles Wessolowsky was traveling about the American South, setting up chapters of the Jewish fraternal order called B'nai B'rith. The B'nai B'rith is the parent group of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), now run by none other than Abraham H. Foxman.
Traveling from town to town in the Mississippi Delta in 1878, Foxman's B'nai B'rith founder and predecessor revealed something completely unknown to today's Blacks and Jews. He found that Jews were not only present in the so-called Cotton Kingdom, but in every place they settled they actually controlled the trade and commerce! Wessolowsky's observations were published in 1982 and are presented in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume Two.
In Arkansas he found Jews owning plantations “to a large extent” and realizing “handsome profits.” In Louisiana he found Jews holding many political offices and “carrying on an extensive business.” He repeatedly found that Jewish merchants in this deeply racist territory had “the sway of business.” In Mississippi he found that many had plantations and that businesses serving the planters were in many cases controlled exclusively by Jews. In Missouri and Texas Jews everywhere were “quite prosperous.”
The dirty little secret about Jews and Money in America is just how much Jewish wealth was totally dependent on the King Cotton. The Jewish Encyclopedia admitted in 1901 that “[T]he cotton-plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews, and as a consequence slavery found its advocates among them.”
And this is exactly why the infamous 1877 legislation that put Blacks BACK into a new quasi-slavery picking cotton as sharecroppers was fully supported by Jews in America. Indeed, they call this hateful era of Black re-enslavement their Jewish “Golden Age.”
The infamous investment bankers Lehman Brothers got their start in the cotton trade. Even before the Civil War, founding brother Mayer Lehman was put in charge of all the cotton—and thus ALL of the Black African slaves—in the whole state of Alabama! German Jewish immigrant Morris Ranger, of Galveston, Texas, was said to hold “the key to the cotton trade of the world,” and Jacob Elsas of Georgia manufactured the bags that held the cotton bales—and he died with a net worth of $10 million. Jews parlayed this cotton wealth into an extensive web of interconnected banking institutions that played a huge part in the growth and development of many notorious Jim Crow cities like Montgomery, Selma, Birmingham, Fayetteville, and Memphis.
The list of these Southern Jewish bankers in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume Two is nine pages long! In the meantime the Blacks whose labor was generating ALL of this money were forced deeper and deeper into poverty and political, social, and economic oppression. The stolen wealth of Black labor built extravagant Jewish homes and Jewish synagogues, Jewish businesses and Jewish communities. The great Black scholar W.E.B. Du Bois concluded around the turn of the century that fully three-quarters of the wages due Black farmers since the Civil War were simply stolen from them.
None of these facts will be anywhere to be found in Abraham Foxman's Jews and Money. He says he will be dispelling “stereotypes” about Jews and money, but he won't be dispelling the Secret Relationship between Jewish money and Black degradation. Next time a Jewish person wags his finger at the Black man and woman and demands that we “work hard” like “they did,” remind them of this history. Better yet, buy him or her The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume Two, and they will never make that deceitful claim again.
Farrakhan returns to Rockford, IL on November 20th!

Farrakhan returns to Rockford, IL on November 20th!
By Ashahed M. Muhammad
Updated September 21, 2010
In call for justice, Nation of Islam minister offers guidance to polarized city of Rockford, Ill.
ROCKFORD, Ill. (FinalCall.com) - A little more than one year ago, Mark Anthony Barmore was shot and killed in the basement of Kingdom Authority International Ministries by Rockford police while horrified children watched.
On Sept. 18, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke from the pulpit of the very same church with a message of guidance, warning and a demand for increased community responsibility to end Black on Black crime and brutality and the disunity that plagues religious communities.
In his first ever visit to Rockford, Min. Farrakhan's addressed not only the Black clergy, civic and political leaders who were there, he also addressed Rockford Mayor Larry Morrissey, Police Chief Chet Epperson and its White residents living in a city gripped by racial tension.
By Ashahed M. Muhammad
Updated September 23, 2010
ROCKFORD, Ill. (FinalCall.com) - In an exclusive interview with The Final Call, Apostle Melvin Brown described the trauma he, his family and the church family, have suffered since the fatal shooting of a young Black man in the church basement August 24, 2009.
Since the shooting incident, Kingdom Authority International Ministries has struggled to remain afloat, and the pastor said the church lost 50 percent of its day care business within a week of the incident.
Brown was critical of the Rockford police and government officials handling of the incident, which was witnessed by his wife and daughter. His wife and daughter are fighting felony contempt charges and accused of lying to authorities and Pastor Brown faces a civil lawsuit that has been filed against him by an officer involved in the shooting.
Activists: ADL's anti-Israel list 'just another smear campaign'
CHICAGO (FinalCall.com) - The Anti-Defamation League is coming under sharp criticism from college activists and human rights organizations for their recently released report identifying those whom they believe are the top-ten anti-Israel groups in America.
“What was once a very respected civil rights organization sort of devolved into a one issue organization that is even misusing the one issue that it's speaking out on,” said Rebecca Vilkomerson, national director of Jewish Voices for Peace, one of the groups designated by the ADL as being “anti-Israel.”
Other groups included with Jewish Voices for Peace are: Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), Al-Awda, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Friends of Sabeel-North America, If Americans Knew led by Alison Weir, International Solidarity Movement, the Muslim American Society, Students for Justice in Palestine, and the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.
According to the ADL the groups were listed because “they stand out in that they are able to organize a significant number of events, have a national reach, use particularly vitriolic language against Israel and its supporters, attract people to their cause and affect the mainstream discussion about Israel.”
Ms. Vilkomerson believes the ADL's list actually backfired on them. Instead of people looking at the organizations as being anti-Semitic, many viewed it as just another smear campaign by the ADL with the goal of muting critics of Israeli policy, she said.
Student for Justice in Palestine released a statement signed by over 60 organizations nationwide calling the ADL's report “a disingenuous and misguided attempt to vilify students that criticize Israel's occupation, which denies Palestinian human rights and self-determination.”
Inspired by the international movement against South African apartheid—which ended only 16 years ago—the Students for Justice in Palestine said many organizations are united in their desire to end the Israeli government's apartheid system being imposed on the Palestinian people.
This is not the first time the ADL has condemned peace activists critical of America's biased foreign policy towards Israel and those who have spoken out against Israel's atrocities.
Nobel Peace laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu has been an outspoken critic of Israel's government and the separation barrier wall they built there. Archbishop Tutu, who experienced apartheid first hand in South Africa, has said some aspects of Israel's treatment of Palestinians rivals and even surpasses the old South African system of racial segregation and oppression. In his 2006 book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid” former U.S. President Jimmy Carter drew the same striking parallels and has repeatedly called for peace and justice as a solution to the conflict grounded in international law.
Political analyst Ali Abunimah, author of “One Country, A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse,” said despite the ADL's criticisms, the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement is still picking up steam. A recent conference hosted in Israel was not attended by the UK, Sweden, Turkey, South Africa, and Ireland and many other countries who did attend agreed to only send low-level delegations. Advocates point to those developments as proof the boycott is gaining momentum.
“The ADL's ‘top ten' list is certainly an acknowledgment that the anti-Palestinian, anti-justice, anti-peace messages of many pro-Israel groups, especially the ADL, are no longer working the way they did,” said Mr. Abunimah, also co-founder of The Electronic Intifada, a not-for-profit, independent online publication which covers the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “It is true that few members of Congress or senior politicians in this country dare to criticize Israel openly, but among young people, especially on college campuses there is increasing awareness that Israel is an apartheid state and the U.S. by supporting Israel unconditionally is prolonging apartheid and delaying justice and peace.”
Mr. Abunimah, who is named in the ADL's report, said he condemns all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism, and noted that the groups designated as anti-Israel by the ADL fight not only for the rights of Palestinians, but for universal human rights as well.
“If the ADL thinks that applying universal human rights is a ‘threat' to Israel, that pretty much tells you what you need to know about Israel,” said Mr. Abunimah. “It is also worth recalling that the ADL has history from way back of spying on Palestine justice activists and activists who were working in solidarity with the struggle against apartheid in South Africa.”
--Ashahed M. Muhammad
Tampa Holy Day of Atonement 2010 Coverage in this week's edition of The Final Call (FinalCall.com)
Triumph in Tampa!
Farrakhan discusses motives behind the historic Million Man March
TAMPA, Fla.—The huge floor of the convention center was so full that members of the Fruit of Islam rushed to set up extra chairs as thousands turned out to hear the leader of the Nation of Islam speak in an area known for sunny weather, palm trees, waterways, lush greenery and vacations.
But Sunday, Oct. 17, was no day off: It was devoted to a keynote address by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to mark the 15th anniversary of the Million Man March, which drew nearly two million Black men to the nation's capitol, and a Holy Day of Atonement built on the principles of atonement, reconciliation and responsibility.
Million Man March still resonates 15 years later
TAMPA, Fla.—From Muslims and Black men who gathered on the National Mall October 16, 1995 to those who have only heard tales of a magical day of peace and women proud of changes seen in husbands, fathers, sons, grandfathers and cousins, the Million Man March and the spiritual messages of atonement, reconciliation and responsibility and practical community building remain valuable.
Outrage over Justice Dept. exoneration of FBI agents in Muslim leader's death
DETROIT—Family members of Imam Luqman Abdullah, along with religious and civil rights leaders, have reacted with shock and anger to the U.S. Department of Justice's exoneration of four FBI agents who shot the Islamic leader to death Oct. 28, 2009.
In Uganda: War on terror American style?
The aftermath of twin bombs in Kampala, Uganda that killed 76 people on July 11 has taken a new turn reminiscent of post Sept. 11, 2001 reactions by the United States government, when civil liberties and due process were discarded to seek and apprehend those responsible for the attack in which nearly 3,000 people died.
Afghanistan: A war with no end
On Oct. 7, 2001, the invasion of Afghanistan started as a strike-back for the 9-11 terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., however, going into its 10th year the war has yet to ameliorate the situation. Observers claim the U.S.-led occupation of Afghanistan and the terrible violence engulfing Pakistan is the combination of 30 years of American intrigue in Central Asia to establish strategic and economic dominance over the resource-rich region.
Beware: The Onslaught of the Flood of Lies
The deluge of a flood of lies has now begun as the mainstream press, led by the notoriously yellow journalism of the New York Post suggested that some secret meeting occurred between the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, New Black Panther Leader Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to discuss what's wrong with the world.
Holy Day of Atonement, Reconciliation and Responsibility (FinalCall.com)

Atonement, Reconciliation and Responsibility
CHICAGO (FinalCall.com) - On Oct. 16 the Nation of Islam will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the historic Million Man March.
The commemoration, which also serves as the Holy Day of Atonement, will be held this year in Tampa, Fla.
The keynote address is scheduled to be delivered Oct. 17 by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan at the Tampa Convention Center located in the heart of the downtown area.
“We want to thank the laborers in the Seventh Region beginning with Minister Rasul Muhammad, his staff and of course the laborers in Tampa and the Clearwater, Fla., area and the Believers there who are working very hard,” said Minister Ishmael Muhammad, national assistant to Minister Farrakhan. “The choice of Tampa by Minister Farrakhan was primarily because of the progressive study group there and the Minister wanted to honor the laborers and Believers there by hosting the 15th anniversary of the Million Man March in that city.”
Thousands are expected from all across the United States and abroad to participate in workshops, seminars and vendors will have the opportunity to display their products and services to an enthusiastic crowd in a warm and friendly environment. Many of the convention center's meeting rooms provide picturesque views of the waterfront.
Ademah Muhammad, the Nation of Islam's special events coordinator, said the special events committee is enthusiastically working around the clock to make this year's commemoration a success.
“The spirit is high in Tampa. People are talking about the event and the Tampa community has never seen Minister Farrakhan live in person, so they are really hyped about it and looking forward to it,” said Ademah Muhammad. “The spirit throughout the Tampa Bay area is also really sky high and they are working very, very hard.”
The program for the members of the Nation of Islam promises to be enlightening and informative.
Rasul Muhammad, the Seventh Region representative of Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam has nightly conference calls in Florida to ensure that all of the details are worked out.
Ademah Muhammad said hotels in the area are filling up, and the prices can't be beat. With Tampa being a resort town, many Believers are choosing to get in early and make the commemoration a family vacation.
A majority of the hotels have complementary shuttles from the Tampa Airport and many hotels are within three miles of the airport.
(For up-to-date information regarding the schedule of events, registration and to purchase tickets to the main event, visit www.noi.org.)
Sins of the Fathers: A Three Part Series Examining Black Victims of Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priests (FinalCall.com)
At the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010, I wrote a series of articles focusing on Black victims of sexual abuse by Catholic Priests titled "Sins of the Fathers." The response was overwhelming, not only in the United States, but also in the United Kingdom, parts of Africa and the Middle East. With the new allegations of impropriety reaching all the way to The Vatican, I am re-posting ese articles on my blog in hopes that you will read them, and pass the information on to others. If more are aware of what is taking place, it can be stopped.
Sins of the Fathers: A Three Part Series Examining Black Victims of Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priests (FinalCall.com)
Black Victims of Sex Abuse Charge Inaction and Cover-up by the Catholic Church (Part 1)
CHICAGO-David Nolan, now 42, said his sordid tale of sexual abuse by a Catholic priest began when he was 13 years old. He said the priest used his position of authority and power to have sex with dozens of young boys at will, and seemingly without fear of punishment.
“We put them (priests) on pedestals almost to the point where I thought they were more than superhuman in a sense,” said Mr. Nolan. At one time, Mr. Nolan tried to tell, however, when he went to the Chicago Police, they called him a liar and laughed at him. Scared with no resources and no protection, Mr. Nolan's victimizer forced him to recant. Even after many complaints by members of the congregation, his victimizer was transferred to a bigger church on Chicago's Southside.
“No one cares about young Black boys being molested, but I'm reading in the news everyday how holy hell is being raised by White victims being sexually abused,” said Mr. Nolan, who said a young male relative was also sexually abused by the same priest.
Read the full article here: http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/National_News_2/article_6632.shtml
The Silent Screams of Victims of Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priests (Part 2)
CHICAGO-Alicia Sample told The Final Call about a six-year ordeal in which she was used as a sex slave, gang raped, sodomized and physically beaten regularly by Fr. Fitzmaurice and others, at his behest.
Fr. Fitzmaurice had a group of young men that acted as his henchmen, and he would sometimes get Alicia out of class during school hours and order Alicia to report to what he called “the clubhouse.”
Alicia said the priest would order her to perform oral sex on them and tell them to beat her if she refused. He would threaten to have her and her siblings removed from school if she refused to comply with his deviant sexual wishes.
“They would penetrate me sometimes with objects, they would anally rape me,” said Alicia. “Sometimes, they would take all of my clothes and hang me out of the second floor window of the clubhouse and threaten to drop me and say ‘who is going to miss your n----r ass if we drop you?' and my life was just flashing before me,” Alicia said.
Read the full article here: http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/National_News_2/article_6698.shtml
CHICAGO-The Roman Catholic Church in America has been reeling for the past decade with shocking instances of sexual abuse at the hands of members of its sacred and secretive clergy.
The most recent embarrassment for the Catholic Church reached right into The Vatican. Angelo Balducci, a Gentleman of His Holiness—an exclusive group of servants inside the Pope's household—was caught by law enforcement officials via wiretap allegedly arranging trysts with male prostitutes.
Multi-million dollar settlements in response to sex scandals are reported with regularity, almost daily in the media, and stretch across the Atlantic Ocean to Ireland and Rome. However, you don't have to go that far to hear sordid tales of abuse and misconduct, nor do you have to travel far to see the twisted emotional wreckage that exists in the lives of many of the victims.
Read the full article here: http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/National_News_2/article_6823.shtml
Shadia Mansour recently detained at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel
I want to pass on some information I received via email from Shadia Mansour's management company giving me some details on what sounds like typical Israeli human rights violations. Any body who is familiar with Ms. Mansour and her lyrical content, you may not be surprised by this, however, it is important for what took place to be known just in case something else happens to her or any other revolutionary artist who lines up on the side of oppressed people and gives a voice to those who cry out for liberty and justice.
Here is what I received from her publicist verbatim:
On Saturday, September 4, 2010, in Ben Gurion Airport, Israel. British-born Palestinian Hip Hop artist, Shadia Mansour was surrounded by airport security and "intelligence officers" armed with guns. Ms. Mansour was told to return to her luggage after a usual baggage x-ray and multiple searches, when eight agents ran towards her, weapons drawn and pointed, they aggressively kicked away her bags and surrounded her.
The eight agents had their guns pointed at Ms. Mansour while having her stand in the same position for one hour in suspicion of a bomb being planted in her microphone which they had in their possession for ten minutes already. Ms. Mansour assured the agents the microphone was used for recording music and was then asked by an officer to sing her lyrics to him, they screamed at her and asked "who she worked for, who bought the microphone, what does she sing about" and as the agents and officers shouted over one another she was also told, "we have found something planted in the microphone" all this transpiring while airport goers observed the entire ordeal.
Although standard for Palestinians to be strip searched upon departure of Israel, Ms Mansour was made to lay down on her back as female agents pushed aggressively into her joints and neck. Once the female agents finished searching her the microphone was returned and Ms. Mansour was directed to her flight en route to London as though nothing had happened.
Ms. Mansour told us "For a few minutes I really thought they were going to take my life, the way they handled the situation literally made me feel like I was an attempted suicide bomber that had just been captured or something". No legal action has yet been taken.
I will keep you updated.
The Final Call UK/International Edition: Growing Attacks on Islam
The Final Call's UK/International Edition looks at the increased targeting of Muslims in the United Kingdom.
Katrina: Five Years of Pain - This Week's Edition of The Final Call (FinalCall.com)
Additionally, in this issue, you will find excerpts of Minister Farrakhan's interview with author and professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson. This is an interview that you MUST READ AND HEAR in order to be considered up to date regarding the current status of the relationship between Blacks and Jews.
A Genocidal Legacy of Human Trafficking Uncovered
A Genocidal Legacy of Human Trafficking Uncovered
New book delivers massive pictorial evidence of Jewish involvement in the slave trade and its aftermath.
There is no longer any debate. It has been conclusively shown that the Jewish people held a key role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the development of an Apartheid society in the United States of America.
Different from the heavily footnoted previous publications “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” Volumes One and Two, the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam has released 144 pages containing 283 Jewish slave sale ads reproduced from American newspapers across the country. “Jews Selling Blacks” displays posted bills, classified ads and flyers showing that Jews bought and sold whole plantations and marketed slaves ranging in age from infants to the elderly. Additionally, Jewish merchants arranged bank financing and various other payment options which in essence amounted to lay-away terms for their human cargo and subsequently enslaved labor force.
Jewish apologists often advance the discredited notion that according to the population, only a “modest” number of Jewish people owned slaves. Compared to what? Census figures do not tell the entire story. Certainly one individual, or family—especially possessing great wealth—can be responsible for large amounts of evil.
This is evident in places such as slave-era South Carolina. A foundation of mercantilism and the slave trade, it was the first state to declare its secession, leading to the formation of the Confederate States of America, which led to the Civil War. In the book, readers are shown that before New York became the population center for American Jews, during the slave era, Charleston, South Carolina was the center of Jewish population and their mercantile exploits.
For example, in December of 1839, Maurice Barnett, a slave dealer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana offered a 26-year-old slave named Osborn for sale. Osborn was described as “a mulatto, good carriage driver and waiter, active and handy at anything he is put to.” His wife Lucinda, 22, was also offered for sale. She was described as “very intelligent, food cook, washer and ironer.” Perhaps the most disconcerting portion of the advertisement was that the children, Commodore, age 6, Josephine, age 4, Henry “about 2 years of age” and Osborn Jr. “about 1 year of age” were also for sale. (p. 9) Keep in mind, many times, Black families would be torn apart and sold to different plantation owners. Quite often, husbands were split up from their wives, mothers separated from their children and children from their siblings.
An advertisement in the June 24, 1805 Charleston City Gazette contained an advertisement by Cohen & Moses offering “Twenty Prime AFRICAN SLAVES. Conditions, cash on delivery.” (p.11) In fact, several pages are devoted to slave advertisements by Cohen & Moses spanning several years. Another Jewish auctioneer, Jacob Cohen, a prominent slave dealer who ran Jacob Cohen and Co., also advertised extensively. Later, the company, Jacob Cohen & Son, according to the numerous advertisements that are a part of historical record, continued this legacy of genocidal human trafficking amassing great wealth at that time. Could the modern day Cohen & Co., the Philadelphia-based firm that according to a July 30, 2010 Bloomberg article “built itself into the second-largest manager of collateralized debt obligations” be connected in some way to the similarly named trading companies flourishing in the antebellum south?
An interesting bit of information shows that slave broker and auctioneer Thomas W. Mordecai, of Charleston was a founding member of the Reform Society of Israelites, the first Jewish reform movement in the United States. He later became a prominent religious and media official. (p. 80)
The demeaning language used in many of the slave sale advertisements, often by well-respected religious pillars of the Jewish community, such as Isaiah Isaacs, a slave owner of Richmond, Virginia, who founded Congregation Beth Shalome (p.112) demonstrate blatant disregard for the humanity of their Black slaves, who were sold alongside farm animals, furniture, liquor and often as “add-on” items when land ownership was transferred.
The Jewish people have established themselves as the quintessential and prototypical merchant class in American society. Specifically related to slavery, their dominance led the Jewish Encyclopedia to note, “The cotton-plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of Jews, and as a consequence, slavery found its advocates among them.”
They were so thoroughly integrated in the cultural realities of the racially segregated South that in 1813, Jewish constable Moses Levy reminded residents of the ordinance that required “All negroes or other Slaves working out on hire,” to wear a badge “conspicuously about their persons” comparable to the WWII Nazi-era yellow star that became symbolic of the dissolution of Jews in Germany over a century later. (p.133)
It was not until the revelation of the significant involvement of the Jews that their scholars (and their impish Black lackeys and mouthpieces) sought to highlight the actions of others (i.e., African chiefs, Arab traders, so-called “free” Blacks etc.) in an attempt to change the focus of the discussion and documented research.
It is strange that prior to the Nation of Islam's research, those who had studied history and this critical aspect of the impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on American society were perfectly content allowing the blame to fall squarely on the shoulders of the White Anglo Saxon Protestants in the South.
Those who continue to be mystified by motive generated mythology and revisionist history are either intellectually incurious or purposefully lazy and have not properly utilized the meticulously crafted documentation provided by the Historical Research Department.
As stated earlier, there is no longer any debate. The evidence is overwhelming. The lies have been deconstructed.
This book is an important addition to any library, and in years to come, will be considered one of several publications responsible for yet another paradigm shift in the study of American history thus leading to the proper contextualization and understanding of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
(For more information on the topic, visit www.BlacksandJews.com.)
Statement by President Obama on the Occasion of Ramadan
The White House
For Immediate Release August 11, 2010
Ramadan is a time when Muslims around the world reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God. This is a time when families gather, friends host iftars, and meals are shared. But Ramadan is also a time of intense devotion and reflection – a time when Muslims fast during the day and pray during the night; when Muslims provide support to others to advance opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere. For all of us must remember that the world we want to build – and the changes that we want to make – must begin in our own hearts, and our own communities.
These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings. Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country. And today, I want to extend my best wishes to the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world – and your families and friends – as you welcome the beginning of Ramadan.
I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.
May God’s peace be upon you.
U.S. AG Eric Holder speaks at African Union Summit in Uganda
NABJ Statement on Coverage of Shirley Sherrod Incident

WASHINGTON, DC, (July 22, 2010)—Today, the National Association of Black Journalists issued the following statement in response to the reaction of media organizations covering former U.S. Department of Agriculture staffer Shirley Sherrod:
The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is dismayed by the profound failure of media organizations in their rush to report on the allegedly racist remarks of former U.S. Department of Agriculture staffer Shirley Sherrod.
Because of the activist propaganda of conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart and the subsequent lack of due diligence on the part of pundits on the FOX News Channel and others to verify the authenticity of a tape with Sherrod's remarks on race, this veteran public servant was unjustly castigated and convicted as an unrepentant racist in the court of public opinion.
We expect better, and so do the millions of readers and viewers who rely on news organizations for accuracy before airing or publishing any material, especially those with potential negative consequences. This didn't happen and, as a result, Sherrod's decades-long reputation as a champion of equity and justice was tarnished in mere hours. The swift, decisive echo chamber of bad judgment from all involved, from cable networks to the White House, should be a lesson learned for us all.
To be sure, the 24/7 news cycle now requires all of us to sometimes move at a dizzying pace to report news, even when the circumstances are still developing. But those demands do not negate our responsibility as a public trust to get it right, each and every time.
Breitbart and those who went with the tape’s content without first checking its authenticity owe Sherrod — and America — an apology for creating yet another sad chapter in the long history of the explosive mix of media, race and politics in this country.
An advocacy group established in 1975 in Washington, D.C., NABJ is the largest organization of journalists of color in the nation, with nearly 3,000 members, and provides educational, career development and support to black journalists worldwide.
Fox News: They Report AND Decide
I do think the shows hosted by Greta Van Sustern, Mike Huckabee and Geraldo Rivera are weird, and I think you should too, unless you are someone who believes Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston being engaged is news.