
Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing speaks in NYC on December 11th! Be there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been recently studying Dr. Welsing's book The Isis Papers. While I have not researched all of what is presented; the information definitely appeals to my sense of reasoning. Especially the understanding that when one hates his own image, he can only project those feelings on to others, and in this case, whites against non-whites. Many need to understand the root of these long held attitudes toward us, as well as understand the contempt and self hatred we have held for ourselves and each other.

I would like to make this community aware also of the highly controversial writings of SevenStarHand and his latest writings "Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols." Google for numerous results.

Somehow, we must connect and understand the necessity for that "Unified Field Theory" and stop trying to put pieces together without the borders of the puzzle in place.
We must of necessity become informed people and less emotional responding to every bait prepared for us.

Your ally for,

Truth and Justice