
Farrakhan Speaks to Thousands in Bermuda

Minister Farrakhan arrives to the cheers of the Bermudians for his message on July 20.
(Photo: Ashahed M. Muhammad)

Hamilton, BERMUDA- Despite intermittent rain showers, thousands of Bermudians came to hear the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan deliver a message to the residents of the island paradise concerned about a recent increase in violence among the youth.

Rather than leaving the National Stadium because of the rain, many of the over 3,000 in attendance popped open their umbrellas and put on their rain coats, remaining attentive during the 2-hour message in which Min. Farrakhan addressed the spiritual, economic, social and political ills plaguing not only Bermuda's residents, but society as a whole.

The Minister's message held guidance for all levels; the government, the educators, the businessmen, the common people, and the youth.

A press conference is scheduled to begin within the next 20 minutes, and The Final Call is right here to bring you the latest!


Bro. Anthony D. Muhammad said...

Thank you, Bro. Ashahed!

Anonymous said...

YEs Thank You Brother. I really wanted to know what was going on in Bremuda while The Minister and his delagations was traveling there. APDTA!!!!