
Barack H. Obama's trip to Africa: What are your thoughts?

President Barack H. Obama recently returned from a trip to West Africa. There were many questions and concerns not only from those in the Diaspora, but also those on the continent. Why not Kenya? Why not Nigeria? What are your thoughts. Leave comments below, or email me directly at ashahedm@finalcallnews.com.

Highlights from the current issue include two exclusive interviews I conducted. One with Rev. Jesse Jackson, and another with British Member of Parliament George Galloway who is leading the Viva Palestina relief aid convoy to help the people of Gaza.
How is that for diversity?

Additionally, there is exclusive coverage from The Final Call's Editor-in-Chief Richard B. Muhammad who was in Ghana, covering his visit. The Final Call is the only news organ that brings you relevant news, without taint or slant.

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