
President Elect Obama set to announce New Mexico's Bill Richardson as Commerce Secretary

A reliable source has told me that in a press conference tomorrow, President Elect Barack H. Obama is set to bring his 3rd vanquished political opponent into the fold when  he announces New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson as his nominee for Commerce Secretary.  Richardson has formerly served as ambassador to the United Nations and as the Secretary of Energy under President Bill Clinton.

So far, Joe Biden picked as his Vice-President, Hillary Clinton picked as his Secretary of State, Bill Richardson picked as Commerce Secretary. 


44 for Change said...

Enjoy the Press Conference. If I could encourage President Obama and Secretary of Commerce Richardson to consider one thing, it would be to consider having people get something for investing in the auto industry. If 150 Americans are giving a total of 2 billion dollars, that's about $200.00 per working American. Ok...so let me invest in GM myself, not in the stock market but in the form of a down-payment voucher (a low interest Savings Bond of sorts) that could be exchanged as a down-payment on an automobile or sold at face value, with the buy retaining the small amount of interest accrued on the bond. Just a thought...but it's better than throwing money at these irresponsible corporate crooks.

James M.
Baltimore, MD

AMT said...

James - I totally agree with your characterization of the auto executives as "irresponsible crooks" and that solution you suggested is a good one.

It is about time that someone is held accountable for their actions and not rewarded for deception, lack of production or inefficiency, whether it is high-level gov't officials within the Bush Administration, high-level corporate executives, well-connected state and local politicians or corrupt police.

It is time for some accountability don't you think?

HUGgy bear, GOD's Leading Lady said...

Brother Ashahed:
if "it is about time that someone is held accountable for their actions and not rewarded for DECEPTION", is it not then fair to hold President-Elect Barack Obama accountable for using DECEPTION that he now calls, "just campaign rhetoric" in order to win the elections? Is it not fair to ask him when and why he changed his mind about the qualifications of his former opponents that he is now nominating, especially Senator Hillary Clinton whose foreign policy experience he mocked during the campaign, but now she is more than qualified to be his Secretary of State?

But how else could he have won? He was forced to play their game, and he did. This is 'THE WAY' of this wicked-world, a world that thrives on DECEPTION.

O ALLAH, show us 'THY WAY' that we may walk in THY STRAIGHT PATHS.

emma (in MARYland)

HUGgy bear, GOD's Leading Lady said...

Should we condone DECEPTION simply because it is being done or used by someone that LOOKS like one of us?

Let TRUTH prevail over ERROR.

emma (in MARYland)