
Iraninan President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at Durban Review Conference

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad listens carefully to a question from a reporter during a press conference following his remarks to the General Assembly at the Durban Review Conference in Geneva, Switzerland on April 20. His message was interrupted several times by protesters who were summarily escorted out by UN Security personnel. Check for coverage in The Final Call. (Photo: Ashahed M. Muhammad)


Anonymous said...

last year the racists at durban had a free ride with no protests.. Durban II has 23 delegates walking out upon hearing ahMADMANijads hate speech, protests at his press conference. Truly this Durban is showing progress that people will no longer sit idle while racist hate speech is spewed.

Anonymous said...

The only hate I hear is from the vicious blood thristy Israelis who delight in mercilessly bombing men women and children. The only peace they want is a piece of Gaza and a piece of the West bank...