
Neo-Cointelpro: An Assault on Black Leadership (FinalCall.com)

You've heard all of the disinformation, misinformation and surface coverage regarding the recently disclosed improperly gathered intel and subsequently disseminated information focused on the Nation of Islam. Now, get deep into it.

- "Nation of Islam Targeted by Neo-Cointelpro Operation"
An in depth cover story by the FCN Editor-in-Chief, Richard B. Muhammad, Senior Correspondent Askia Muhammad and Assistant Editor Ashahed M. Muhammad

- "Pressure on Guinea Coup Leaders Increases"
An international affairs analysis by Brian E. Muhammad

- Islamic Leader from Libya visits Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.
Coverage of the visit by Dr. Ibrahim Rabu of the World Islamic Call Society of Libya, as well as a One-on-One interview

- "The Story of Mary, Joseph and Jesus" by The Hon. Elijah Muhammad

- "Mentoring: From a Tree in an African Village, to a Street Corner in the 'hoods of America" by A. Akbar Muhammad

.....and much much more!

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