
Congratulations to Barack Hussein Obama the 44th President of the United States of America

President Barack Hussein Obama 

The Path to the Presidency
 Ashahed M. Muhamad


RAFFEY said...

A beautiful moment in future history given by GOD himself that we may have the oppertunity to finally heal from 400 yrs of oppression thanks be to GOD....

HUGgy bear, GOD's Leading Lady said...

If this was what our people died for, resisting all the whipping, then I say they died in vain. If Barack Hussein Obama -- who will express gratitude to George Bush in public but will not express GRATITUDE TO GOD ALMIGHTY, who gave him the breath in his nostrils, in public -- sitting behind GW Bush's desk at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in Washington is worth John Lewis' struggles in the 60's, as he said, then I say, without a shadow of doubt, his struggles were in vain.

Does healing come just because someone that LOOKS like us is now holding the whip for 'him'?

Yet, I thank GOD ALMIGHTY for this moment which will help GOD's People in the near future to get an understanding of certain things.


Melissa Muhammad said...

I appreciate this article. It reminded me of aspects of the President's career that had long faded from my memory. We have a great deal to learn from the success of our new President. One of those lessons that stands in the forefront is a verse from the Bible, "If God be with you, who can be against you?"
Further, President Obama's success bears witness to what Rev. Wright said during the media attack following his support of Min. Farrakhan. What he said, in essence, was whatever God has for you; no one can prevent you from having it.
Barack Obama has the seat of the Presidency of the U.S. and we have a degree of hope and joy never seen before in our sojourn in America.
Good article and thank you.

Melissa M.