
It's Official! Obama for President!

Just a few minutes ago, I watched history being made.

Sen. Hillary Clinton actually delivered the delegates from the State of New York which put him over the top by saying "Barack Obama is our candidate and he will be our president!"

And she did not proceed with the threatened and possibly divisive roll call.

Sen. Barack Obama is now officially the Democratic nominee for the presidency of the United States of America.

This is something that has never been seen before. It is something that may and may never see again.

Just to update you on a few of the recent happenings here in Denver, earlier this morning, The Black Caucus held a meeting at the Colorado Convention Center which featured brief comments by the lady that everyone is talking about - Michelle Obama.

Copies of the September 2008 Ebony Magazine featuring her image and her story on the front cover were distributed, as well as the new report by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies titled "Blacks & The 2008 Democratic National Convention."

Just two hours ago, Sen. Hillary Clinton in a message to several hundred of her delegates at the Colorado Convention Center's Korbel Ballroom, she released her delegates. When she said she was releasing them, the crowd shouted "No!" She said that she'd cast her vote for Barack Obama.
By the way, the funniest t-shirt I have seen (and it seems like there are thousands) said "Barack in the Day" and has this real old picture of Barack Obama with a teeny afro.


RAFFEY said...

I thank GOD to live to see this moment in history 45yrs after mlk,s i have a dream speach,what a blessing to be this close to having our first BLACK PRESIDENT..

Anonymous said...

Have you examined Obama's relationship to his Kenyan cousin, Raila Odinga? Do you realize they have collaborated on adverse plans for America and Kenya to change our constitutional government? Obama is black but I'd rather take my chances with Rev. Jesse Jackson, given that choice. Obama will not be elected U.S. President. He comes with too much baggage.

Unknown said...

Wow! Brother Ashahed, what and how did you feel as the pronouncement was made? I mean you were and are actually witnessing history. What was your sense of being in that place at that time?

Unknown said...

Brother Ashahed,

All praise is due to Allah that we have righteous scribes to record this time in history. What was your sense of that moment in time when you heard the pronouncement that Obama was the official candidate? How did you feel? What about those around you?

Anonymous said...

How did you react when Hilary Clinton said that she was releasing her delegaates to Barack Obama?
And why exactly did the crowd shout "NO!" And what exactly did that mean?

AMT said...

Melanie - Clearly, you got the feeling that you were witnessing history. It also caused me to reflect on the fact that in some ways, American-style Democracy is an example because even thought there were many who backed Sen. Hillary Clinton and others who backed Sen. Barack Obama, it wasn't a situation where there was violence, fights murder and mayhem like we see in some elections across the globe. -A


Khadijah - Apparently, there were still those in Sen. Clinton's camp who did not want to give up. They wanted to continue to try to get her as the Democratic nominee. People are loyal to their candidates. -A
